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Posts posted by Labrador

  1. Where is the chaos and havoc? In approx 100 metres there are 3 cruisers and a day boat heading upstream, a day boat and cruiser heading downstream and a boat turning In the river.

  2. 3 hours ago, ChrisB said:

    I find the approach to Wroxham Bridge much easier if you get well over to starboard nice and early.

    By that I mean a good hundred metres before the bridge, as you get nearer being already to starboard you can concentrate on the Keystone and getting it spot on your centre line.


    Aren't you supposed to be on the starboard (right hand side) anyway?

  3. Please be aware, the Bell is open, but at this present time they are not doing food and they are only open in the evening.

    The food should start in about a weeks time, will post when they do. They will also be open at lunch times.

    The reason I'm posting is, that there is no sign to inform people down at the broad and I've come across a number of boaters who have been, shall we say, disappointed that they have walked all that way to find it either shut or no food. Met a couple with an old dog at the Fur and Feather last week, had walked to the Bell for lunch only to find it closed, so had walked all the way back and on to the F and F.

    I will post when they are fully open and doing food, May even be this weekend.

    • Like 4
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  4. Status 330 omni-directional with boost amplifier for digital tv. From Vision Plus UK. About £99.95, you get what you pay for. Was good enough for Oyster Marine.

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