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Posts posted by Labrador

  1. 2 hours ago, Soundings said:

    I guess this could go on an on. Stalham is another town that is a shadow of its former self, although it is looking much tidier these days. But the loss of the market and the addition of Tesco hit the town hard. There are those hoping that that 1200 odd houses going in will help revive the place but I do wonder. There are only two pubs in the town now anyway - The Swan and the Grebe. The latter is not that inviting to me but the Swan is pretty good. There is of course the Harnser a short walk up the road in Sutton which always was an ok pub but I have not been in for months. Apart from that there are only two restaurants - the Oasis (Indian) and the place by the state which I have never tried. Anyone remember the Maids Head?

    The Maids Head was run by Mick and Molly Richardson, after they came out of The Broads Haven (when it was a good pub). Her parents Frank and Dolly ran the Bridge at potter many years ago.

    By the way, the Harnser is technically Stalham Green as opposed to Sutton.

  2. 19 hours ago, fishtone said:

    Called in the boat chandlers in Wroxham (you know the one where you are always greeted with a smile) for 4ft of plastic piping. Told that it has to be metric because the till doesn't recognise imperial measurement. Right then I will have one and a half metres. No you can have one or two as till wont recognise half a metre. The wonders of modern technology or someone doesn't know that half a metre is 0.5.

    You could by it online cheaper, mind you you, will probably find you can only get it by the metre, same as rope.:party:

  3. On 06/04/2016 at 8:00 AM, JennyMorgan said:

    At least the owners haven't bagged up the pooch's poops and then thrown the bags down or hung them on nearby hedges. Where should boat owners/holiday makers dispose of dog waste? 

    I know it's bizarre picking up and then hanging on a branch or hedge, but at least it is better than hanging on the sole of your shoe!!

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  4. My last post started me thinking, which is pretty amazing! Through loads of threads we see pics of members dogs, but I don't think there is a thread dedicated to our friends. These are mine, Meg - chocolate, Oyster - black and new addition Tia. 11, 10.1/2 and 6 respectively. All taken down the pub, sensible girls.

    IMG_20160228_173332 (1).jpg



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  5. My local had a rating of 4 when our last incumbents came in and they work hard getting it up to 5, which they have. They didn't really have to, as 4 is respectable, but they wanted to show that the food not only tasted good but was as safe health wise as they could achieve.


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  6. With all respect Robin, these places have all got established management/tenants, the fact that they have let things let things slide enough to achieve a rating requiring major improvement, is not very impressive in my view. Although some of the rating requirements don't directly relate to the storage and handling of food, a lot do. To achieve a rating this low means the food could present a health hazard.

    It really is time food establishments were made to display their rating prominently.

    • Like 4
  7. It was indeed like going out into the north sea at times with the wash, unfortunately back in the seventies, the new generation of hired craft tended to to push the water out of the way rather than cut through it. This combined with higher speed limits led to large washes.

    Fortunately people like Andrew Wolstenholme came along with the present generation of low wash hulls.

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