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Posts posted by Labrador

  1. I suspect they will have raised the barrier at Herbert Woods basin under the foot bridge, the fish tend to gather in there when the saline water comes up the Thurne. At the right time they raise the barrier to stop the salt water entering. Only drawback for boats is that they can't get in or out.

    • Like 1
  2. Jonzo is quite correct, Roy's is very keenly priced. The good thing about their meat is that you can buy a sensible quantity for one or two people, most of the big supermarkets only seems to offer packs/portions to feed the 5,000. Their wine is very keenly priced, try to buy a, say, Chilean Merlot for half price, £5.50 instead of £11.00 in one of the big supermarkets.

  3. Don't know where you tried to more in Wroxham yesterday Chocofluff, but there was loads of room Faircraft Loynes. Not so much by the car park, but right down the end where they turn the hire fleet round.

  4. "There were some really old planes doing fly pasts including Spitfires and Lancaster Bombers, that's what my dad said they were called anyway, whatever they were it was spell binding"

    I should think they were spell binding, you were watching the first public flying in over fifty years of two Lancasters. The Canadian one has come over here to join the BBMF Lancaster for some public displays.

    • Like 3
  5. Hence why it is called a rond anchor, for anchoring in the rond.

    Which reminds me of many years ago, just before you got onto Hickling broad, can't quite remember where. There was a very large piece of rond had broken away and totally blocked the navigation. As it was in the depths of winter not a huge amount of chaos ensued. They manoeuvred it out of the channel and was kept in place by driving some old telegraph poles in front of it.

    • Like 1
  6. Do have her spayed, We had a lab who had phantom pregnancies and had mastitis a couple of times.

    She was diagnosed diabetic at the age of twelve, which the vet reckoned her not having had pups all that time and not being spayed could have contributed to it. She eventually went blind as a result of being diabetic, but still survived four more years.

  7. Strow, I think you will find that when there is a surge of salt up the Thurne, many thousands of fish take refuge in Herbert Woods basin. This is about the only place that the EA can be sure of keeping the fish safe. I think that they have a statutory power to close the barrier should they deem it essential.

     We moored by the footbridge to lower mast in september and the EA had a large group of people there showing them the raising and lowering of the barrier. They closed off the basin to boats for nearly an hour.

  8. ("Wasps, wasps, wasps everywhere though ! How can we deter them? One committed suicide in my lager!")


    On the subject of wasps, if you are drinking out of a can or bottle do NOT leave them uncovered or the consequences of swallowing a wasp cas be disasterous!


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  9. Barry,

    Someone was indeed using a blow torch, but trying to cure a leak onthe flat roof of an extension at the back. Unfortunately this extension was north facing and on that day there was a very strong northerly wind blowing which caused some sparks to blow into the thatch. The wind was strong enough that at the fires height the flames were reaching the far side of the river

  10. The Bure Court caught fire on the sunday morning of March the 16th 1975. I was one of the last to leave on the saturday night. Tom had just opened a traditional bitter bar, which boasted 7 real ales, only the week before. This pub was actually on the main river on the corner of the dyke leading to Summercraft.

    I was invited to the opening night of the Lodge at Salhouse which was exactly one year later on March 16th 1976.

  11. Yes they are very good Perry.

    Peter and Nigel Edwards started sometime in the late 80's basically going around the boats in their van. Now they have some 15+ people and always exhibt at LBS at Excel. We are a trade customer of theirs and have been since they started.

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