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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. Well put. It does seem that mods do 'take sides' That shouldn't be the case. Good moderation should be almost unnoticable to anyone but the individual who needs advice.
  2. Why do you think there are ever larger and more luxurious boats coming out on the Broads ?
  3. It is still done on the Broads. Some have more interest in developing the market responsibly than others ! https://www.eastwood-whelpton.co.uk/training/introductory RYA training is also offered here.
  4. It's the same with lifejackets. " They're for when the boat's sinking innit ".
  5. It happens - and without the courtesy of a notification from Moderators !
  6. Well there's £150K surplus in the tolls AC according to another thread
  7. Which particular clause of the Norfolk and Suffolk Broads Act 1988 covered that ?
  8. The popularity of 'Pub' moorings should tell you the answer to that !
  9. But there are those of considerable influence who greatly adore canoes . ( Would that hat to which you refer be anything like this ? )
  10. Have you tried Norwich Camping http://www.cylex-uk.co.uk/reviews/viewcompanywebsite.aspx?firmaName=norwich+camping+%26+leisure&companyId=14523191 Or Acle Garden Machinery http://www.aclegardenmachinery.co.uk/ Also the garage at Repps sell Calor ( and the Indian take away is very good there too )
  11. Not a licence as such, but a qualification does exist ! https://www.rya.org.uk/courses-training/courses/inland-waterways/Pages/inland-waterways-helmsmans-course.aspx
  12. In Asda this morning I saw a number of staff without face coverings. When I questioned why, I was told it's not law until next Monday No aplogies to anyone whose relatives work in retail !!
  13. Regarding the OP, the inquest has started to hear evidence. According to R. Norfolk 'he went into the water to swim and came into contact with the propellor of the boat. His medical cause of death was given as loss of blood due to a wound on his left thigh. https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/sly-houlder-river-bure-named-1-6853539
  14. Thats how firefighters like it, isn't it ?
  15. Here are the current prices from Calor . https://www.calor.co.uk/lpg-prices
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