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Everything posted by FlyingFortress

  1. Got to agree with that. As I have said before I am not a Royalist, but I found the whole thing very moving. Mrs FF is a Royalist so she put the TV on to watch it. I surprised both her and myself in watching the whole thing until she left in the Royal Hearse. Got to agree with the above quote that we really do excel at pagentry in this country. Thought the AB of Canterbury spoke very well of HM ,he obviously knew her well. We are at OBYS and only one boat movement throughout the whole thing.
  2. Ok maybe I am a numpty then. FB groups are not Fora. Maybe I have been a member here too long as I do remember why this directive was brought in and it was nothing to do with privacy or good manners.
  3. Fair point Mr Surveyor. I was under the impression, maybe wrongly now, that any reference to other Broads Fora would not be tolerated on here. If it is now allowed I stand rightly chastised.
  4. Totally agree. I just thought that with the very strong currents in that area it could have hindered any attempt to assist which it looks like it did. I was very lucky when I had to pull that boat out of the reeds a few days ago that the incident happened or near to slack water so I was able to position my bathtub in the correct attitude to pull them out without having to factor in the tide. Had the tide been running although I am confident I could have done it. It would have been a lot more difficult. I have no view of my Stbd quarter from my helm position so have to rely on directions from Mrs FF shouted from aft to fwd over the noise of an engine exhaust. Thankfully we have done this numerous times over our years on The Broads and she is very good at it . Our tow out was accomplished in just a few minutes even after I mistakenly thought they were broken down so configured for an alongside tow that we then changed to a more straight forward stern to bow tow out.
  5. Sounds like they hit the submerged buttress of haddiscoe bridge. Poor guys. As I speculated earlier, it would have been near impossible for them to know unless VERY familiar with the area. No need for enhanced tuition, viewing instruction videos or enforced certification. Just an accident. Glad everyone got off safely as that is a very bad place to have an incident .
  6. May I politely suggest that you stop reading FB. I do not that is why I come here for anything Broads related. FB is not NBN. NBN is moderated and while I don't always agree with the Moderation on here at least there is SOME control. FB is a platform I have never been on nor desire to read .
  7. Jeff I think The BA would be on to this pretty quickly, well I hope so anyway as I will be going that way early next week. The area where this accident happened is frequently flooded around where the river narrows under the bridge. It would be hard for anyone who is not VERY familiar with this area to tell where the river bank actually is. Think about coming into somewhere like Reedham when the tide is over the quay heading. At least you have a clue there as the mooring posts stick up. Or indeed it could be what TeamElla said earlier. More speculation I know
  8. Don't think anyone said it was easy Vaughan. Large yards such as HW have large teams of very skilled workers on tap who are used to doing total refurbs of older boats. When I have seen this done ( not at HW btw) the boat has been totally stripped internally except for toilets,tanks and running gear. It is then re built from floor up including all bulkheads and fittings. Obviously in the case of a sinking there is more work involved and I would not want to commit to a timescale but this work CAN be done in pretty short order if the will is there and it fits in with other scheduled work. As it is now late in the season this may effect the scheduling of this work but I am pretty sure we will see this boat back in hire next season if it is deemed economically viable.
  9. A boat has got into difficulties in a very tricky part of our beloved Broads. It has had a mishap that has resulted in the boat sinking. The boat is from a Northern boatyard It is damn near impossible to teach people how strong tides work when doing the show out when you are based North. The boat is wreaked but it belongs to a large Northern boatyard, Another Northern boatyard that I am very familiar with would have recovered that boat ASAP and re fitted it inside 2 weeks if it was needed out on hire. As I am sure this one would. I have seen boats come in on a Saturday morning with awful damage and be turned around and out on hire that very afternoon. The owner of that yard who is btw a member here replied to me when I said that was impressive, said that was c**p we will do it right this winter. Some and I mean Some hire yards are truly impressive. Unfortunately some are not.
  10. Is it OK to say that the 82 year old on board has been kept in overnight at JPH along with his 2 other elderly companies and is doing OK. Glad to see a good outcome from this
  11. Very comical post JA 🤣👍 On a more serious note I stand to be corrected but the average Bilge Pump on a Broads Boat would struggle to cope with anything more than a very minor Hull Breach. I am sure mine would not. They are not fitted with Emergency Bilge Injection Systems (strange term IMHO) that larger vessels have whereby with some valve turning and blank removal the largest pump in the engine room, usually a water cooling pump for The Main Engine(s) can be deployed to counter flooding in the Engine Room.
  12. Sure they are not Krakens escaped from Breydon? Horrible place to have an accident like this glad to see they got off OK. Been a bit windy just recently so I wonder if that was a factor along with the strong tides. Just a few days ago I pulled a boat out of the reeds near Somerlayton that had been blown there.
  13. Bouyed off but with no one in attendance but it was pretty early this morning.
  14. Friends passed it this morning. Said it was a HW boat. Picture shows it at the haddiscoe entrance to the New Cut submerged up to deck level with a 20 to 30 degree list.
  15. And a beautiful looking dog he is too
  16. Quite Just as during the Falklands The Welsh Guards were not at top performance due to just returning from ceremonies duties. They are not all about B**"***t and bearskins. They are actually elite Infantry. Same as the cavalry regiment. They are actually tank drivers when not on horseback for ceremonies duties.
  17. Sometimes it takes, I would not say 10 minutes but certainly 5 minutes or more for a thruster to have any effect on a large ship particularly when going ahead. Bow thusters are most effective when going astern. This applies to small vessels as well. it's just that the power of thrusters on small vessels, like Broads Boats is disproportionately higher than large vessels . Likewise a Stern Thruster is more effective when the vessel had slow ahead speed. It's all to do with where the pivot point is on the vessel. It varies due to the vessel having forward or astern movement. I can explain this to anyone who is interested It takes 30 seconds or more for them to wind up to full power on a large ship even when they are some 3000 Kw or more. In a port such as Felixstowe that has little traffic and little tide it's ok for a ship to take forever to turn around with one tug and a great big bow thruster. In my port with heavy traffic and strong tides ,equate Ludham Bridge to Reedham, it's why we put 3 or 4 tugs on the same ship.
  18. Thanks for the replies folks. I had a conversation with some friends who were long term hirers and that was my understanding. Just for the record I had my BT installed probably 17 or 18 years ago and it is electric. Apart from one instance ,totally my fault, it has worked flawlessly in all that time.
  19. Tim. May I ask a question? How does a hydraulic bow thruster work from the point of view of the operator? Do you have a lever that you simply operate or do you have to disengage the drive? From an engineering point of view if the boat is hydraulic drive then a diverter valve would divert some of the hydraulic oil to the thruster so does this reduce the amount of propulsion (fwd and aft thrust) available? Or do you have to disengage fwd & aft propulsion to allow the thruster to operate? Genuine question as my boat has an electric bow thruster .
  20. Just to add your Rose does look good on the back of BA.
  21. So if the Officers of the largest port in the UK whose bossman was a former Commander of a Nuclear Deterrent Polaris Submarine didn't mind you flying a rose (albeit the wrong colour IMHO as a former resident of the other rose county) on your stern during the biggest pageant since gawd knows when ,all organized by a former colleague of mine. Why in the world would anyone worry about how and why a little boat on the inland waterways wears its Ensign? That and knowing your branch of the RN of which you Are rightly proud. And you also know what and why my boat wears. Notice I am using the correct terms now.
  22. Pyes Mill has always been a favourite as I said earlier. But there does seem to be increasing problems with unruly locals in all fairness I have only encountered it once at Pyes. It does seem more prevalent on the Staithe itself but as a dog owner I have rarely moored there. The permissive path is what I used today but there is also a path across Chedgrave Common which although signposted as dogs on leads due to grazing pony's I did see many dogs off leads walking that way so maybe no pony's. Will investigate tomorrow. With dog on lead I must add
  23. I knew this would get complicated. Which is why I don't indulge. My flag looks very pretty on the back of my boat. And I am proud to say I served under the Red Duster for a very long time.
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