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Posts posted by FlyingFortress

  1. Actually with a massive thread de railment 

    Chedgrave Common.

    As close to perfect as you can get.

    Never moored here before as Pyes Mill has always been a favourite.

    Reports of the footpath being closed again (incorrect) put me off as new young dog needs more than a 5 minute walk and Pyes Mill will have a lot of visitors on a fine Sunday afternoon .

    Moored up here this afternoon and walked towards Hardly Cross but there is a bridge down so shorter walk. Walked into the village and visited The White Horse.

    Fine way to spend Sunday afternoon.

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, ExSurveyor said:

    1pm back to half mast, one hour after the proclamation is read in the other parts of union at noon.

    All a bit much for my small Brain I'm afraid.

    And by 1pm I am hoping to be in the pub :default_dunce:

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Mouldy said:

    Even knocking the bridge down wouldn’t be particularly helpful.  I’m fairly certain that the clearance under the ‘new’ road bridge would still prohibit many craft from accessing the northern reaches of The Thurne.

    It would

    But then it would not stop many that were designed to fit under the old bridge.

    • Like 2
  4. Thanks for confirmation of that Mouldy and Vaughan.

    As I said earlier I am not one who bothers much with flag Etiquette and it was my intention to leave mine at half mast until after the  Funeral.

    Nice to have it confirmed that it is the correct thing to do. 

  5. 34 minutes ago, BroadAmbition said:

    Phillip came to me today, 
    and said it was time to go. 
    I looked at him and smiled,
    as i whispered that "I know"

    I then turned and looked behind me, 
    and seen I was asleep. 
    All my Family were around me, 
    and I could hear them weep. 

    I gently touched each shoulder, 
    with Phillip by my side. 
    Then I turned away and walked, 
    with My Angel guide. 

    Phillip held my hand, 
    as he lead the way, 
    to a world where King's and Queens, 
    are Monarch's every day. 

    I was  given a crown to wear
    or a Halo known by some. 
    The difference is up here, 
    they are worn by everyone. 

    I felt a sense of peace, 
    my reign had seen its end. 
    70 years I had served my Country, 
    as the peoples friend. 

    Thank you for the years, 
    for all your time and love. 
    Now I am one of two again, 
    in our Palace up above.


    Griff my Man.

    Personally I am not a Royalist in fact I am probably a Republican.

    Can't stand the new generation of Royal Family but as a man of a certain age have never known any different than Our sadly departed Queen I have and had nothing but respect for Our Queen who to me embodied the term Statesman.

    Your poem quoted above actually brought tears to my eyes.

    That poem nailed it for me.

    Top cudos and great respect to you for either finding it or writing it. I don't care which, that poem was magnificent.

    Thank You for posting it.

    • Like 11
  6. 2 hours ago, PCL023 said:

    I hope you didn’t scratch any light blue ones. 👍

    Honestly no :default_biggrin:

    Only badly scuffed one and it was a Tanker and it was Red.:default_dunce:

    What do you expect from a fan of the Sky Blue. :default_cool:

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7. Just a few points this morning.

    Ex Surveyor is quite correct any such organisation would have to have its own dedicated platform quite separate from this or any others. There is now ,I believe, off the shelf software available.

    Who represents Boaters Mikeyboy? If you had re phrased that question and inserted Motor into the question IMHO the answer was and still is no one.:default_icon_e_surprised:

    As I said last night quite willing to offer any advice and pointers to anyone willing to give this a go so you don't make the same mistakes as we did but I am not getting involved other than an enthusiastic member. I believe there are enough enthusiastic Motor Boat Owners out there to make this a runner.

    I think I have derailed this thread enough now Soz

  8. 4 minutes ago, mikeyboy1966 said:

    Limited resources is the problem

    it doesn’t however stop a group of boat owners approaching a land owner and agreeing to maintain a stretch of river bank as a wild mooring

    More interesting stuff Mikeyboy.

    I just hope your posts do stir up someone to take on what you have said but I 'm afraid that person is not me.

    After many years as a Shop Steward for The Pilots at the biggest port in the UK during which time we defeated the European Commission in a frankly ridiculous proposal regarding Pilotage and although I played a very small part in this battle it was me that stood before a Parliamentary Select Committee of UK MPs to put over our case.

    Then as Chairman of a residents group in my small village defeated the Country Council over a proposed industrial development.

    My fighting days are over.

    Defeating The European Commission took up at least 4 years of my time and the Country Council around 5 years. In my spare time I was trying to Chair an association to represent Motor Boat Owners on The Broads and at the same time holding down a full time job.

    Then to add insult to injury I was head hunted to fill a senior position in a well known Authority around these parts.

    Can you appreciate why I declined and at age 56 decided to see out the rest of my working life just parking the largest ships in The World at The Largest Port in this Country.

    Less Stress.:default_biggrin: 

  9. 39 minutes ago, mikeyboy1966 said:

    I know nothing of your existing CooP groups on the broads,

    on the river Gt Ouse we have GOBA,

    they negotiate with land owners and use the the funds raised from member ship to lease moorings and represent the interests of boaters.

    perhaps,as private boat and syndicate boat owners you should try to start and organise together a similar thing,

    on the broads you seem to be losing moorings whilst river traffic increases in the summer.

    as a recognised group you would stand a better chance of being listened to by BA  etc etc


    Good  and interesting point that you have made this work.

    As one or two members on here may remember this was tried a few years ago but ended up a failure.

    I think myself and another esteemed member on here could go into details of why our attempt to set up a rival organisation to the NSBA failed but it would be long and boring.

    I did think that our attempt did give the NSBA a kick up the proverbial, and for a short while they did actually realise that Motor Boats actually use Our Broads as well. 

    But in the end our attempt failed and the NSBA reverted back to type and did what it has done for all of my knowledge of the organisation.

    I do appreciate that there is quite a large battalion of BA bashers that populate various Broads fora ( I have puzzled for a long time if that is actually a word) but I am not one of them*, but I don't think the current administration could have got away with so much if they had been held accountable by a well populated users organisation such as I and another on here envisioned.

    Maybe it's time for a younger generation to take up the cudgels and try again.

    I am quite happy to communicate with anyone who tries this and give my opinions that will help them avoid the pitfalls that we encountered.

    * By and large I think the BA do a great job with the limited resources they have available but are sometimes misguided.

    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, grendel said:

    one of these days i will get a boat and name it Private, think of all the moorings that will be available :default_coat:

    Used to a boat moored at Potter called " No Mooring". Always used to make me :default_biggrin:

  11. Flag Etiquette is very interesting to a lot of people so I am sure your article will go down well on here.

    As it's not a subject I am particularly bothered about I promise not to comment.

    It was only your comments about the Merchant Navy that prompted my reply above. 

  12. Thanks OBB.

    Another basket case that may be different now :default_trophy:

    Brundall deserves better than it had.

    On our return to Norfolk 7 years ago Brundall was scrubbed off the list as it had no decent pub/s either in the village or nearby.


  13. 5 minutes ago, CambridgeCabby said:

    It is indeed Roy who is running the Ram 

    Thank you Mr Cabby.

    Haven't been in there since we moored at Brundall Gardens which was a very long time ago. Thinking about it around 25 years ago.

    Could be on the re visit list.

    Someone told me the other day that He is also running another Broad side pub.

    Any info?

  14. 1 hour ago, Smoggy said:

    Correct, up middle hill and turn left.

    It's simply called The Hills.

    Little anecdote from when I lived there.

    In The Top House one evening (Railway Tavern later on) conversation about hills. Someone said there are no hills in Norfolk and a member of the group responded " I live on Middle Hill" to which I said " I live on The Hills" and another said " I live on School Hill" so there 3 in Reedham alone.

    • Like 1
  15. Interesting history Vaughan but factually incorrect.

    5 hours ago, Vaughan said:

    we with our pleasure boats are about all that is left of the British Merchant Navy

    Shipping is a complex business but in 2020 the Red Ensign group. ( Those entitled to fly The Red Ensign) was the 10 th largest in the world with over 48 million DWT (Dead Weight Tonnes ) of ship registered on it. 

    Yes I agree a shadow of itself in 1939 when it was the largest in the world but still a significant part of the World Tonnage. 

    It is a Flag I have been proud to serve under for the vast majority of my 44 year seagoing career.

    The Merchant Navy and it's armed relation The Royal Navy still forms a significant part of world maritime presence.

    • Like 4
  16. There is no requirement for seagoing boats. 

    Only when going overseas.

    And truthfully only the most pedantic of immigration staff would bother you.

    As said above get the size flag that looks best for your boat and don't worry about it. 

    • Like 1
  17. 1 hour ago, andyg said:

    That's absolutely not on grif re the ferry inn. I understand your concerns with youngsters aboard, climbing across boats in poor light etc. I wouldn't want my grandchildren doing it. That said I do accept at popular riverside moorings double berthed mooring is the norm. I'm shocked the new Inn are charging so much as well,with no discounts offered if you eat in the pub. Horning is looking like somwhere to avoid, such a shame. 

    Horning has been somewhere to avoid for a very long time.

    In fact it has been a no no except for the moorings on the green as long as I have been on the Broads. And even then there was no where I ever wanted to go.

    Did used to like The Staithe and Willow but recently it has been poor. Closing at 3 pm on a bright sunny weekday. 

    Such a shame for such a pretty village.

    • Like 1
  18. 2 hours ago, YnysMon said:

    When I’m trying to insert a bit of welsh (we have ‘hats’ too) I usually resort to typing up something in Word first, using the symbols option and then copying and pasting. There might be an easier way, but I don't know how without changing you whole language selection.

    Actually, my forum name is just wrong. The ‘Mon’ bit should have a hat over the O which lengthens the sound of the vowel. 

    It's a toe not a hat :default_biggrin:

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