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Posts posted by FlyingFortress

  1. 1 hour ago, Bikertov said:


    I've often thought about the usefulness of a mini water turbine for a broads/river boat.

    Clearly not for when you are underway: as Smoggy said the energy has to come from somewhere, so the engine is having to propel the boat to generate the electricity - that wouldn't work.

    But what about when you are moored - could the natural and tidal flow of the river run a small turbine to trickle charge stuff ?

    Obviously that wouldn't work on a Broad where there is no flow, and would be less effective on the upper reaches of rivers, but nearer to the sea where there is more of a tidal flow ?

    If you think about it, they have been suggesting this sort of thing for years on estuaries such as the Severn, to generate massive amounts of electricity. 

    There are a multitude of blooming stupid (my opinion only but anyone who wishes to debate I can provide facts) windmills in the southern sector of the North sea. All stopped when there is no wind and also stopped (feathered) when there is too much wind, each sporting a diesel generator to re align them when the wind starts from a different direction .

    I have long thought that there could be an impeller if that is the right word attached below the surface to harness the tidal flow. Not only is this a predictable strength but also a predictable timescale.

    When I spoke to a man who is far more knowledgeable than me about this type of thing he said that the reason that there was no longer any chatter on the interweb about this is that someone must have patented the idea. 

    Well that was over 10 years ago and still......... nothing :default_dunce:

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Meantime said:

    A slight digression but very pertinent to this subject. Batteries do not make electricity, they store electricity produced elsewhere, primarily by coal, uranium, natural gas powered plants or diesel fueled generators. So to say an electric boat is zero emission or environmentally friendly is not at all valid!!!!

    Totally agree 

    • Like 1
  3. V Interesting discussion.

    I think the OP has very well explained in a nutshell how all electric boating is not practical at the moment. Very much in line with my views about all electric motoring.

    I have said on here before that I did have occasion to re moor a hybrid hire boat and was really impressed. But of course this comes at a cost that most private owners are not prepared to pay.

    • Like 7
  4. 1 hour ago, marshman said:

    Perhaps ,as far as weed cutting is concerned, perhaps they should just pick up the phone and ask the BA??? The northern cutter is about to start on the Thurne again for the third time this year.

    The southern one is probably on the Waveney or at least thats my guess. That post ought to be moved to a new thread to leave this clear for this Breydon thread. 

    Incidentally do they cut adjacent waterways or dykes - I suspect n

    Genuine question MM 

    Is Thorpe Cut considered an adjacent waterway or part of the navigation? 

  5. 9 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

    Well well well, life's a funny old bowl of cherries isn't it. Here I sit at 9:30 in the evening, customary small libation in hand and pondering the surprises of the day. Today I held both a cordless drill and a screwdriver (not at the same time) in my hand, and my efforts were rewarded.

    In the forward loo,under the hand basin, there was an inspection cover. I removed said cover and inspected. I found an enormous cavern of wasted space. This was something that needed considering. Equipping myself with the appropriate glass full, I had a think. There was a couple of pipes, but not really in the way. I removed the trim on one side, replacing it with three hinges, and on the other side installed a magnetic catch.

    Ok, it's not the most accessible of cupboards, but it's perfect for things that are seldom used. Now, I know that for some of you keen DIYers, to call what I have achieved "basic" would be understating it, but for me, I feel like that Brunel Chappie after he knocked up that bridge in the west country.

    I put my pride for this effort down to being an only child, something that I discovered when I was quite young. My sister and I were sitting on the stairs listening to our parents arguing. (You did what you could for entertainment back in those days) when mother raised her voice and shouted " You can't throw them out, they're only children"

    So the truth was out, we were both only children. Neither my sister have had any problems from being an only child but that's probably because we shared the same parents.  However, I digress.

    Looking in the loo in the aft area, I see a similar inspection cover and will investigate it to see if I can repeat today's success.

    Just before I sign off, there is one more thing I'd like to mention. Thanks to Mr Amazon, I have several packages to collect. I know this will surprise many of you, but in those packages there are three scrubbing brushes, some car cleaning sponges and a five litre pot of traffic film remover. (I was told that's what the boatyards use to clean their boat's) Yes, it's true. All waiting for me to collect.  And just after I've constructed a cupboard for things I rarely use.


    Wore me out just reading that.

    I think you need a lay down.

    I certainly do.

    With an appropriate libation of course.

  6. 36 minutes ago, andyg said:

    If its Stalham then richardsons would be a good shout, you have Simpson and Sutton boatyards. Not sure if there tugs are big enough tho. Richardsons also have a tug still at acle. Hope that a help

    All three tugs are quite big enough for the vessel in the picture.


    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, MauriceMynah said:

    Given that on this forum "Going South" means heading to the southern.waters, and "Heading North" means going to the northern waters, compasses are not really the issue.

    "Keep the red posts one side and the green the other" SHOULD suffice.

    Put much better than I did MM ☺️

    • Thanks 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, grendel said:

    i suppose its that with modern gps, the up direction is the direction of travel, and the map rotates as you change direction to keep this so.

    thus to a lot of people who use the gps, north is now irrelevant.

    Valid point Grendel but I think you do know that I was referring to making the passage from Northern Broads to Southern Broads and the reverse, as I said I could have phrased it better.

    It might interest you to know that just about all professionals use Radar and Chart plotters in the North up mode. I suppose this is a throwback to paper charts being North up.

    Maybe this will change in the future when paper charts are consigned to history.

  9. 4 hours ago, Vaughan said:

    When just seeking controversy, there's little easier than quoting others, out of context.

    I was just using your post to show how easy it is to misinterpret something. 

    Just like the way ( I think) The Q has misinterpreted my post about going North or South. And yes I admit I could have written it better. :default_blush:

  10. 1 hour ago, TheQ said:

    Most punters wouldn't know which way was north or south even if you hit them in the face with a compass..

    Not really sure what to make of that post TBH :default_blink:

  11. 20 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

    I do agree with FlyingFortress, however, that all of this is totally and utterly irrelevant if someone is going to be as reckless and careless as to take a hire boat out onto Breydon - an unlit navigation - in the middle of the night.

    I repeat - no one was hurt, even if they thoroughly deserved to be.  These people were not the first in Breydon's history and they won't be the last.  As for new rules, new posts, new restrictions, etc., it doesn't matter whether you are "coming in from the sea", "going south" or just going round in circles like the rare Japanese Oozlum bird (and those who know the song will know why it is rare). 

    You will never prevent people from deliberately behaving like idiots if they really want to.

    Well said.

    IMHO no amount of signage or enhanced training will change a thing here.

    You sometimes have to accept you can't teach stupid.

    • Like 2
  12. So I will try again.

    Crossing Breydon keep red ones on your port side (left) and green ones on your Starboard ( right) going south and the opposite going north. so basically keep one colour one side and the other colour on the other. This applies to any marker posts or buoys .

    Don't overthink it and you don't go around. 


    Cos if you do overthink it and start posting about what to do if you start to talk about what you would expect if you come in from the sea or even IALA buoyage.but is that IALA A or IALA  B. 

    Or what is the direction of buoyage in the UK as I said in my example earlier in this thread.

    Or do you follow what a very esteemed hire boat operator said earlier and expect green buoys on your right.

    Then run aground in Rockland :default_icon_e_surprised:

    I obviously can't post what I said earlier so how about KISS . Keep it simple stupid.

    One colour one side and the other in the other. Stay in the middle.

    Or as one of my earliest lecturer's at marine college said. Simple things for simple sailors. 

    Or better still read the blooming chart or map in Broads language.

    Or even better don't try crossing Breydon in a hire boat in the dark.



    • Like 4
  13. 1 hour ago, Cal said:

    I will admit that we did take a Richardsons hire boat through Ludham when the board said 7ft and the boat allegedly needed 7'8" with the screens folded.

    But we are experienced boaters, it was quiet with plenty of time and space to abort the manoeuvre if required and conditions were still so we could edge up to the bridge to judge the clearance. 

    As it happened we had loads of clearance. 

    Good on these hirers though for not attempting the bridge when they were unsure if they would make it. They have done exactly the right thing.

    Quite rightly the bridge gauge boards are pessimistic and the hire yards air draft figures are pessimistic to try to avoid too many bridge strikes.

    I fully agree with what you said above.

    And also Cambridge Cabby above.

    Truth is The Hire Yards and the BA have to err on the side of caution to avoid damage.

    I know I am in cloud cookoo land with this one but I do wish there was some co ordination . Yes I am fortunate to have owned my current boat for 18yrs + so by now I know I need X showing on Wroxham and Y showing on Wayford or even Z showing on Potter. When I bought my current boat it had air draft 7'0" on the dashboard. Having had a similar design before I knew this was fantasy. The boat previous to that was a Calypso and run as a hire boat out of Thorpe with a declared air draft of 7'0".

    My current Boat passes Thorpe Railway bridges with 6'2" showing.

    My wish is that either Hire companies declare correct air draft OR The Bridge Gauges are accurate.

    But then if wishes were fishes etc.

    • Like 1
  14. 1 minute ago, Andrewcook said:

    What like to know is Why the Eastern News Press Papers  have to Photo and Print of an Incidence of a Boat going aground. I think this Harm's Broads reputation of visiting or wish to go on the Broads including Crossing Breydon waters particularly.

    Slow news day Andrew

  15. 7 hours ago, Vaughan said:

     I agree with the point of your post but your photo shows a row of closely spaced green marker buoys and I can see a row of red posts over to the left.  I would not be in any doubt where the channel was.

    In addition I would expect to see green markers to starboard when coming in from the sea but a hirer should not need to know that, in my view.

    But a channel visible at 11PM in the dark?  Not a hope!

    I only went over Breydon once in the dark, back in the 60's on a towing job.  I have never done it again in my life and never will!

    Be careful what you expect to see when coming in from sea. Always check the chart for the direction of buoyage.

    Best example I can think of is coming in from The Sunk off Harwich.

    Head inward towards London and the first Lateral mark ( Port and Starboard marks) is Black Deep 1 which is Green. 

    Head inward towards Harwich/Felixstowe and the first Lateral mark is The Walker Buoy which is Red. Both need to be passed on your Starboard side to stay in the Channel.

  16. 1 hour ago, marshman said:

    Lets not blame the punters shall we - after all they should not even have been on Breydon as it was around 10 pm. Surprised they saw the bridge!!!!

    I think the bridge needs to be removed.

    Just for the sake of safety you know ☺️

    • Haha 2
  17. 1 hour ago, BroadsExplorer said:

    Apologies, my post was making light of the mentioned deleted posts in this topic which referenced the running aground being due to posts on Breydon being missing.

    With regards to any posts that have been removed on this thread, I think FlyingFortress may know more.

    Sorry for any confusion due to my attempt at humour :default_smile:

    And your comment did genuinely make me smile 🙂

  18. 21 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

    Surely not?    :default_smiley-angelic002:

    That's another post I missed . . . . 

    Only said what you have said many times about hire boaters.:default_biggrin:

  19. 1 minute ago, BroadsExplorer said:

    You are not alone, lots of posts on Breydon have been deleted which appears to be causing the problems :default_norty:


     Nice one 👍


  20. 2 hours ago, Popeye said:

    Never had any problem on Breydon whatever size boat I took over there. I really do not see how anybody could go aground there if they had any common sense.

    Going upstream, green to the starboard (right) red to the port (left) and vice versa going downstream. If a post is missing then look for the next one straight ahead, its not rocket science.

    However, if you do go aground for whatever reason, shove the boat in reverse immediately, don't run around in a panic with your hands in the air screaming, get a grip on yourself and engage the brain. Carrying on in the same direction if forward gear trying to steer in forward gear away from the grounding will only push you further onto the mud. When you get off and can moor safely, check the weed filter. Simples!  

    I did say the same thing last night but my post got deleted

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