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Posts posted by FlyingFortress

  1. I agree with you Andy.

    We have a group of talented players who have almost got there in the last 2 tournaments 

    Criticism of the manager is silly.

    He has delivered more than any England manager has since Alf Ramsey.

    Just needs to go that one step further  

  2. 43 minutes ago, Hylander said:

    Looking at the photographs taken of the road,   I have often thought you take your life in your hands when you cross to go over to Tescos.      So very sad.

    It didn't happen near Tesco.

    It was further towards Wroxham.

    I was on the road shortly after this incident but did not know what had happened. No emergency services were on scene when I passed and TBH I thought someone had hit a deer which is not uncommon on that road.

    Feel a bit bad now for not stopping to offer my limited first aid skills.

    Didn't see the car involved as I had turned off before the Tesco junction.

  3. Floyd 

    I think you needed to watch more of the Germany games.

    It is obviously a part of their game plan and has led to them being one of the top team.

    They were just as cynical in the semi against France and where did that get them. Oh yeah the final.

    I watched all the England games and didn't see any of this sort of behaviour.

    Well done the girls for winning against such tactics and let's face it a hopeless referee.

    Let's also give some credit to the manager for trusting Georgia Stanway to stay on when she was on thin ice after the early yellow.

    I felt she would have been subbed at half time.

    Well done girls :default_trophy:

    • Like 1
  4. Looking forward to Sunday.

    Best man wins .

    Or should that be.....oh it's too much, been talking with friends and man of the match, actually it's woman of the or is it person, oh ###### it's just best player. I think Alex Popp tonight.

    Fran Kirby last night.

    Millie Bright in the quarters.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  5. Been a great spectacle.

    Lionesses seem to be growing into the tournament.

    No comparisons from me to the men's game but for me the standard of women's football at this level is very very good. Gone is the mistakes that defined the women's game. 

    Let's now see who we are up against in the final.

  6. 3 hours ago, ExSurveyor said:

    Well it appears that the Mods and admin can't win, we are either over moderating or under moderating or favour "untouchable" members.

    Let me make it clear, no one is "untouchable", even moderators and admin are subjected to the same standards.

    Members come and go, always have and always will. Everyones imput is valued and as long as it is done within the published ToS  and in a friendly spirit no one will be moderated.

    The aim of any post must surely be to share opinion and wisdom not to see how far the boundaries can be pushed.

    I see how much mods time is taken up dealing with issues that could be avoided if a few moments were taken to rethink a post or response.

    If anyone has a problem, I am easy to message.

    Happy sunny Sunday


    Well that was a lot less confrontational  than the original post.

  7. Surprised to hear this.

    It was certainly unique and a fixture in Loddon.

    Had a good breakfast there a week or so ago in the strange garden area across the road.

    Did notice competition just up the high street but did not try it.

    Will be interesting to see how things pan out at The Angel. 

    That was another place that is sadly missed as a good old fashioned boozer. Although the folk who re opened it a couple of years ago did seem to have the right ideas for this day and age and it was sad to hear of it's demise.

  8. 3 hours ago, Mouldy said:

    I’m sick of the sight of that ruddy boat.  There’s even a bloody FB group for the darned thing!!  🤷‍♂️  It’s a bit like the obligatory picture of the monument at the side of the A11 near Elvedon or Sutton Bridge when folk are on the way to Norfolk for their holibobs.

    Or the obligatory picture of Hunset Mill, St Bennet's Abbey, Pye's Mill, Oulton Broad An  Owl A Heron, Bitten Otter Marsh Harrier Sunset, Sunrise,Big Sky, Peaceful waters,Threatening Sky or indeed anything that someone takes a photo of and puts on the net for the benefit of those not fortunate enough to live here .

    Some folks miss the Broads when not here and appreciate seeing photos to remind them of the beauty and otherwise of this place 

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 2
  9. 43 minutes ago, Heron said:

    A few weeks back roadworks on the A149 at Stalham were completed on a Friday but the traffic lights stayed in place until the following Monday. There is something badly wrong in the UK these days

    Totally agree.

    My biggest bugbear is traffic lights going in on Friday and no work started until At least Monday.

    Bit different to other parts of the country where roadworks are carried out at night.

    Bit frustrating for us night workers but the best way to do it.

  10. 29 minutes ago, grendel said:

    hydro power the issue is mainly getting a good head of water to power the thing, unfortunately most uk locations dont have the streams running down from the hill on the property.

    this is well explained in this youtube channels  hydro projects


    he also does a lot of solar to power his off grid workshop from which he runs a business supplying full hydro solutions for off grid, well worth a watch if alternative power interests you. he does live in wales, so hydro is a real option there with all the hills.

    Yes Wales 

    With hills endless rain but for South Wales the second highest tidal range in the world.

    13.5 m IIRC.

    Big plans for harnessing that power in Swansea Bay. 7 miles of stunning coast.

    Barrier across the bay with turbines installed so flood tide powers the turbines slowly on the flood. And then massive kinetic energy available when the tide is low. Just like hydro Power available when the grid is low .

    Smashing idea.

    But of course we have to go for environmental disastrous Lithium powered cars instead.

    Lithium mining poisons an area in China The size of Wales every year.

    But don't worry about that when you are driving your evvirome ally friendly Tesla or Prius.

    It doesn't effect us.

    Rant over 

    • Like 4
  11. I would imagine in the era Griff was in the Andrew toilets flushed directly overboard so which type of loo roll did not matter much.

    Only problem was that if the flapper valve (non return valve) was not functioning correctly in bad weather then the old Elvis song Return to Sender became a bit too true for comfort :default_icon_e_surprised:

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