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Everything posted by Broads01

  1. Hi Neil. Yes, I still have the photo, thanks for the compliment. The Maffett website is indeed long overdue updating.
  2. Hi chaps. This thread has gone full circle because that photo was taken by er, me! I took it last August. I'd still love to see some interior photos if anyone gets hold of any.
  3. Hi Neil. Hired San Elena in 2005. There were 6 of us aboard and there was tons of space. The dual saloon arrangement works really well and means you don't have to be on top of each other all the time. I also liked the sunroof within the sliding roof idea - I've never understood why that concept hasn't been used more. The single cabin is a tiny broom cupboard but probably no worse than single cabins on other boats.
  4. Pacific work hard to keep their boats up together. When we hired Moonlight in 2003 to be honest it was very tatty but since then its had a new galley and upholstery and is totally transformed. Dan is right about the non-updated external photos - Emerald now has a white roof and looks much smarter. I'd love to hire Princess actually - does anyone know if its air draft is any higher than the 32 foot Aquafibre flybridges?
  5. Pacific Cruisers have their 2010 prices on their website now. They also have some new external shots & some new internals of Pacific Princess. I've been with Pacific twice so I'm biased but I've always liked them. Their prices are keen all season, but if you're thinking about hiring Spring Holiday Week they are particularly cheap. Princess for example is a measly £795 including damage waiver & parking. http://www.pacificcruisers.co.uk/index.php
  6. This is excellent news & I agree with all the comments above. Great to have another yard owner on the site Richard. Topcraft is one of the better boatyard websites so I look forward to seeing some photos on there.
  7. Makes you wonder how the boat got there in the first place as from the photo it looks as if the tide never got that high. Did Richardsons used to fit wheels to the botoom of their boats?
  8. I feel all priveleged now, being the first to get one, especially as Hoseasons always leave me til last!
  9. The Richardsons 2010 brochure landed on my doormat today. The style & content is very similar to previous versions, with one key difference. Stalham boats & Acle boats are now split into two sections rather than being combined and Acle boats are labelled just that 'Richardsons Acle Boats. This is consistent with the Richardsons branding that appeared on the Acle boats themselves last season. The Horizon Craft name is mentioned once on the boatyard descriptions page, but the Richardsons brand dominates. I'm not a marketing expert so opinions on a postcard please!
  10. I've always had a soft spot for those 39 foot Astons. They have an imposing presence on the water somehow and I'm pleased they still live on. Aston Thames itself has become Pearl Emblem at Ferry Marina - it's name still seems strange having been Aston Thames for the best part of 40 years.
  11. A big improvement on the previous website that's for sure. The interior photos sell the boats well and makes me feel I could be tempted to hire from them. A year or two ago that was a lot of very negative feedback on the 'other forum' particularly and I wouldn't have touched Barnes with a barge pole. I liked Brinks Jazz from when I first saw it in the 2010 Blakes brochure. It's an unusual (for the Broads) design and very good value I think. My only concern with the design is as helmsman using the outdoor position I would feel detached from my loved one(s) if they chose to remain inside (which my children tend to do).
  12. Great stories James, thanks. Actually the only time I ever did hire from Hearts we had no problems with the boat at all, but that may have been more from luck than judgement. There was something special about them being on an island though & I remember very well the experience of being ferried across to our boat on arrival. Happy days.
  13. Received mine today. Very much agree with the comments above, a vastly improved brochure. What a difference it makes to have a straightforward layout - 2 boats per page with external photo, internal photos, layout, prices & description all organised logically. Hoseasons take note! If I was being pernickety, I'd say many of the internal photos are far too small but I'm pleased overall to see more of them. I believe all these things do make a difference to bookings.
  14. Hi Neil. Yes I saw Jay from the outside when we were at Loddon in August, looked very smart. I knew the interior was being done up but in the ned I decided it was too much of an unknown to book & I've opted to pay more at Summercraft instead. My Dad was very happy with Merlin. I think it does depend on your expectations because he didn't need much space being on his own but even he admitted it is a very small boat by modern standards. You can't argue with the price though, especially when fuel is included.
  15. Finally, finally received my brochure! I know each year's brochure very often isn't very different to the year before, but this time round you could play 'spot the difference since 2009' on many pages. Always nice to see photos of last year's new boats, notably the Emblem fleet this time round. One or two new photos of non-new boats but it would be good to have more. Prices haven't changed much in the main and one or two have dropped, e.g. Grenada Girl from Summercraft. Le Boat are generally overpriced for what they're offering.
  16. Thanks for the offer Dan. You don't need to go to the trouble, I'm sure I'll get mine from the proper channels soon. I've put in an online request although I don't normally have to having holidayed with them twice this year!
  17. Can't believe I'm still waiting for my brochure and there's none in Travel Agents either. Any suggestions for how to get my hands on one would be appreciated!
  18. Great pics Clive. Being a technical numpty I've no idea what goes into constructing a boat so I'm finding this quite an education.
  19. Has anyone had a look inside Jay from Maffett Cruisers? My Dad hired Merlin from Maffett this year & was very impressed with the service he received. He asked to look aboard Jay at the time but couldn't because some work was being done on the interior.
  20. No, it's not you, I've always struggled with the Blakes site, before & after it was redesigned. Bizarre that it seems such a simple thing to get right but Blakes haven't yet managed it.
  21. Aargh! Why do I always have to wait longer than everyone else to get my brochure!? I haven't got mine yet, even though I've been with Hoseasons twice this year. I agree with Dan on the group pricing issue, sorry Clive. If I was a new customer with little idea what to expect and I'd booked San Sebastian (which I accept is good value) , I'd be a bit miffed to look aboard Rhapsody. By equal measure, knowing the boats as I do (though nothing like as well as Dan), I would never book San Sebastian where previously I might have been tempted.
  22. Royalls have set up a new blog with plenty of photos & musings about running the boatyard. I really like it & I've left a comment on there saying so. If you like it too then I'd recommend you also comment so Royalls keep it going! http://royallsboatyard.blogspot.com/
  23. Fascinating stuff, Clive thanks for that. Next time I see Clear Horizon 1 I'll look at it in an entirely different way! I've always thought the layout on the 42s is a bit strange with both cabins in the middle & both washrooms at the stern. I assume the washrooms are effectively converted cabins from the 35 foot or maybe I'm wrong?
  24. This is going to sound like a quiz question but it's one I don't know the answer to. In what year was the last Richardsons designed & built hire craft launched? (Just wondering what the gap between that & these latest boats will be)
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