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Everything posted by RedRover

  1. Tried to start my Honda 10HP engine today. none starter, question: if i tilt the engine on my transom to keep it out of the water and clear of all the rubbish floating there so keeping the waterways clear will the oil drop down into the cylinders so making it hard to start. The propellor is only about 6 inches off the water so tilt does not look to excessive to me.anyone else had this problem if it is that. Plenty of clean fuel,Battery charged ok had a service in november.Last time out 2 weeks ago had same problem started after about 8 mins trying and had to leave the choke open to stop it from stoping after around 15 to 20 minutes was ok to put choke in.
  2. Decided on Jeckells of Wroxham for my covers as i had previously had some seating done which was excellent and reasonably priced if you order before end of December you can get a winter discount of 25% which i did and they will be ready sometime next week. Saw the chap who owns Wroxham boat covers and he could not fit them in the boatyard as he would not pay the extra insurance to work on the boat and his price was a lot more than Jeckells.!!! Thanks all for your valued comments and help much appreciated.
  3. We do not mind where its held as we are both retired but most people i assume are working which will make it difficult for them with limited time on water unless they are on hols.
  4. What dates are we looking at, after easter end march early/mid april?? We are obviously not going to please everyone, does it have to be on a freebie 24 hr mooring or will people be prepared to pay for one ??? comments please.
  5. Does anyone know of a place in Norfolk that stocks smaller stainless steel sinks other than the big stores which tend to be larger its for the galley on my boat, someone said there was a place in Great Yarmouth. The worktop will be around 500mm depth so it has to be small to fit it.
  6. There is a caravan club 'CL' site at Womack water Ludham where i stayed years ago and is only 100 yards from the water i had a small avon with portable wheels ideal to explore the northen rivers i went all the way up to Horsey mere. Do not know the phone number.
  7. Brilliant post Juiz, I first came to the Broads in 1958 and we stayed in Dutch Tutch (Potter Hiegham Riverside property) a converted Great Yarmouth Helter Skelter which was brought from the seafront after the war i think. (And its still there at potter looking no differebt than when i stayed there in 58) Looking forward to the next session. :santa: :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
  8. Is anyone going to do a bit of fishing over the Winter and where??? :-D :-D :-D
  9. Gordon, Is he the one who works for Herbert Woods yard.???
  10. Does anyone know of a good Boat Canopy maker who is good and not too dear and you don't have to wait 10 months for it to be made.?? Oh an resides in the Broads area.?
  11. There is lots of free moorings at Wroxham unfortunately tother side of bridge so might restrict some boats unless someone pulls out the plug.. :-D :-D :-D :-D
  12. Yes,there is an auto bildge pump left on but it does not cover the engine bay as according to the BSS you are not supposed to have one in there in case you pump out oil etc by mistake.
  13. ARP Hydraulics new shaft box,i am now told it is probably coming from the hatch engine bay when we have a downpour of heavy rain as we had last sunday next day i pumped out 4.5 gallons of water out.like jonny said he fitted a tempory pump and a pipe,seems to be a problem on rear engined boats.Thanks A-9.
  14. Has anyone had excessive water entering the engine bay on a rear engined boat is it a poor design of the compartment due to the hatch not being deep enough?
  15. Sorry about sunday alan,wife nagged me about something and i completely forgot but if you are about on boat again i will try to make it this time.
  16. Has anyone fitted radiators as a means of heating during the winter months?? and what type of Heater would you connect it to and how much cost are we looking at for 3/4 radiators?? reason being i would like to upgrade to Radiators.
  17. Thanks,Brian,so does that mean i have to send lower quality pictures then?? Thats a pity but you can't have it always. :-D :-D :-D :-D . Is that also the same for your avatar?? Sorry if i sound a bit thick but..
  18. Hi,all,Don't know if this is the right place to ask a question but as everyone is happily sending pics here i thought i would ask the question.i have tried sending some pics but it keeps saying pictures too large,does it mean tone down your picture quality in order to send them,keeping down the kbts ??Help please. i have some nice pics to show you.I am off on my boat for a few hours so will check when i get back Ta.
  19. Hi,Basil44, I have found a cooker Bompani 101 at Stalham gas they sell it for £223 i think you can get it on the internet for £187 from calors website but they charge £20 for delivery will also remove your old one for £12 and take the packaging away for £10 which i think is a bit steep.it has all the flame failure devices you want but the big question is getting a registered Corgi fitter to do it,even tho it says on the advert suitable for inland waterways boats.
  20. Thanks david,it should'nt be a difficult job just cut another hole and screw a vent on it.as long as it is above water,don't want to be another casualty under water.
  21. Has anyone re-fitted the inside of there boat ie: new galley,lounge,bedrooms showers,toilets and do you have any info pics etc?
  22. Can you help me please? How much air venting does an engine need to run efficiently? mine at the mo is around 6" x 4" is that enough?
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