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Everything posted by DAVIDH

  1. I'm just in McDonald's. I didn't realise I was so well thought of here. Just been to wash my hands (again) and so many people were singing Happy Birthday to me. Twice. Didn't have the heart to tell them it's not until next December.
  2. The next couple are not the usual subtraction or addition. There is something odd about them (apart from the fact I wasn't in the pub). Don't think this will last long.
  3. That's it Geoff. I think actually it's an iron band, painted black.
  4. Everybody extols the virtues of the Lion, so you must have been past it and seen it many times!
  5. It looks that way, but I think it's just hidden behind the building. So not that.
  6. And another. Again, please do not zoom right in. see if you can get it from memory
  7. Got it again!!!!!! I think. It's actually the white shed which is missing. Whether that's now classed as a shop, I don't know. I did notice that, but no that wasn't me.
  8. Another one. Please don't go zooming in too far or it is obvious
  9. I've none ready, but I'll put some more together for this evening.
  10. That didn't last long. Thought it was hard!
  11. Lets laugh at Coronavirus:
  12. OK, this is the last until I can look at some more:
  13. You got it! And this time, I removed it's shadow!
  14. Ah I know, the mortar spigot has vanished!.....No it hasn't. Btw is that Goosander moored behind the Bounty Bathtub?....... Yes it is. (behind or in front of Tay Bridge) I was out on reconnaissance for this! The spigot:
  15. No, that would be too mean as you wouldn't have known he was there in the first place. If you have been to this spot, (sure you have), you would likely have seen it every time you passed by.
  16. And another. Whats missing, been added, or changed colour:
  17. Is is looking across to the sugar factory at Cantley?
  18. Ill be back with a couple more this evening.
  19. It's one of the Herbert Woods holiday cottages. I'll give you half a point for that.
  20. It's not the boatshed, and just saying it's a building is not close enough. You need to be specific.
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