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Everything posted by DAVIDH

  1. No, you're looking at the wrong end!
  2. 30 mins to see if someone gets it, then you can look at other images...I think this is tough!
  3. Still got a few more. Have i added or taken away or re-coloured something?
  4. Yes OK, that's it. The image was taken a couple of years ago when the sails were in place.
  5. I'm guessing that's because the therapy damages the immune system. I remember my wife being told her immunity was at it's lowest 10 days after the infusion.
  6. OK, another (easier) one, as you lot are clearly not as good as I thought you were!
  7. No takers so, I altered the top of the mast from Blue to red.
  8. Photo not reversed. OK, look at any images you might already have.
  9. No, not that. As i said, JM could not enter the quiz straight away, as he would know it! Nothing has been removed, but something has changed. Lots of clues there!
  10. OK, a clue as nobody is coming up with it. You are assuming I have removed something from the image. That is not the case.
  11. Don't know where the shrouds are, but it's not that!
  12. Can you be more specific please?
  13. Ah so that's what it's called.......still wrong!
  14. Is it somewhere near Surlingham?
  15. Again, please don't look at other images or super-size them or that would give it away. In view of the subject matter, JM is barred from entering until 10am. Just one change on this one.
  16. That's No. 4 The fifth was the SECOND electric post a little further down. Original image with highlighted changes below. More to follow.
  17. Peter, you have two. The signal box, and I'll give you the look of the shed, as it should have a white sign on it. Howard, yes the electric post is missing, so still two to go. I'll put the original up when you find the others. OK to look at any of your own images you may have to compare now.
  18. Another: (I won't be able to answer for a couple of hours, but there are five things changed in this one)
  19. Yes that's right. There is something else missing though, and I hadn't noticed when I removed it the fence and steps had gone too! The sign!
  20. OK Grendel, this time see if your memory is as good as your technical aids. If you zoom into the pictures you are bound to see where the editing program has left residues.............SO PLEASE DON'T CHEAT!
  21. That's it. I'm going to make subsequent ones tougher!
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