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Posts posted by Maxwellian

  1. Just catching an hours fishing before dinner at the stern on moorings above a Wroxham bridge. I struck into the first fish and started reeking in when the rod bent and then the line went slack. The hook had gone. Put another hook on and tried again. Struck into another and as I was bringing the fish to the surface There was a big splash and a pike took the fish.

    Gave it a break for dinner and tried again. This time I caught a small perch and nothing, so I thought the pike must have gone. Struck to another it was a roach about half a pound. The Pike leap completely out of the water this time and just missed the roach. It must have been eighteen inches to two foot long. I tried once more but he was quicker this time. So after the third time of Pike feeding I have given up. Never had that happen before.

  2. Yes Neil, probably the very same spot. Moored on a wild mooring on the Ant last night above How Hill just before Irestead. We are above Wroxham bridge today. Very windy this morning again but nice and sunny now. Been hit three times and have nudged one boat.......have to say I was not steering at the time, we had just come through the bridge and the Pilot was stern mooring when the wind gusted. It was slight though. Having a lovely time.

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  3. Tide going one way wind the other. I watched one Person try to moor at Stokesby behind Corsican as I was waiting to get past. He made it with some advice from an anxious boat owner. Stokesby can be difficult on a good day.

  4. Yes Neil I will second that. Tried to turn over with both feet at the same time and got stuck. Soon sorted. I also agree with your comment re steering as well. Great fun in the wind today. Got hit while we were moored along the 24 hr into Womack. Not even a sorry. I know the boat number and name of the person steering as someone shouted out the name as they told them to watch out. It would be very hard to see if any damage was done as there is so much on Kingfisher at the moment. I would like to stress none of it was us up to now. Nice man helped us moor up at Langley Dyke yesterday.

    Loving it.

    Edited to say thank you if he is reading this.

  5. When we first hired a boat I was 7 and my Sister was nearly 11. My father would aim at the bank as we came near to the lock and we would leap off. One of us with the lock key. The other with the sausage dog under their arm and he was a std size. The gap seemed quite big at the time and we never wore life jackets, I am not sure they were provided then (long long time ago).

    Oh how times have changed. I give my other half the daily lecture about stepping off not jumping and wearing life jacket for mooring. I would not go back to the old days on this one though. Better to be safe than sorry.....thoughts are with the lady and her family.

  6. We love some of the wild moorings on the Ant between How Hill and Irstead. Bargate is also a favourite but was spoilt last year by some one arriving late. In the dark and mooring next to use with their music very loud. When I say dark it was after 10.

  7. We hired from Richardsons for several years and always had excellent service. We often ventured south, but it was always a rush, so last year we were looking for a small boat as it was the first time it would be just the two of us and from a yard on the southern rivers. After reading write ups by Neil we decided to try Swallow from Maffetts. The boat was excellent, handled really well and was exceptional value. We decided to go for two weeks this August so that we could go north for the first week and get the train to the carnival at Cromer and spend the second week south. As it is August this year instead of the May half term the fishing tackle is already packed.

    Edited to say that we have hired from Maffetts again, Swallow was taken so we are in Kingfisher this year. Have already book Swallow though for next August.

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  8. Dave. I am on my second BMW with run flats. The first one had a harder ride and sometimes the tyres were in short supply, so you had to wait a day for the replacement tyre.

    The new one is a lot better and the garage has replacements in stock now. It is also very nice to nor have to get out to slow down too much when the car tells you it has deflated. Just drop by the garage and get them to replace it.

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