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Posts posted by Maxwellian

  1. When my son was a student (software) he would always run down Apple and my iPad. He would always talk up Andriod. Now that he is working he and his wife both have iPad and iPhones.

    I started off with Apple and could never get used to Android. Horses for courses I suppose.

  2. If money were no object then I would be looking for a nice secluded bungalow with moorings. I would still have to convince the other half. It would be an excellent base for going abroad when the weather was bad.

  3. Iain get it on full throttle, and suggest they stick their head out of the window. Not quite as quick as the hair drier. Mind you this is not something that I would suggest to my other half. Life limiting. :)

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  4. DF, the fact is you can fish at Langley Dyke and when we were there in August I read the sign and decided not to fish. However it did not stop at least four others off boat and bank actually fishing. I however being one for following the rules did not, first night out as well. We went for a lovely walk instead. :)


    The notice does not make it clear. It just stated no fishing.

  5. Not sure that I agree with taking away my choice to buy a CDW. I like to know what my exposure is and can I afford it. A deposit can be just that and if the damage is more then you may be liable.

    I take responsibility and care when I am out on a boat and touch wood not damaged one yet, but I still get caught out occasionally. Wind, tide , underwater eddies at Stokesby being one in particular. I came in taking what I could into account and still got turned. Rear of the boat nudged the one behind, was meant to be in front. No damage as the fenders were deployed. The boat occupants were very nice and complimented me on my recovery. Other times I have moored there with a foot or two to spare at both ends.

    No CDW won't stop the reckless numpties as usually they are not aware of there own inadequacies. It will keep good customers away in my view.

    Education has to be the best way forward.

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