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Posts posted by Maxwellian

  1. I'm OCD too. I retie my own knots sometimes. Clove hitch then back to boat. I always tend to put the mud weight down as well if we are leaving the boat. Comes from watching some one float away late at night. Took a lot of people shouting loudly to wake them up. Kids!

  2. I would suspect that the cost to the business of training zero or low hour temps is quite low and gives them great flexibility. Especially when compared to the higher wages and overtime multipliers of existing staff. I would also think that companies that have a lot of staff that do overtime are getting concerned re the recent legal case on over times impact on annual leave (whilst this will certainly go to appeal).

    I was always told to never rely on overtime to maintain a lifestyle, always live within your basic. I know that sounds patronising to those who struggle to do so, but I have always tried to live that way, not that I get paid overtime.

    As stated it is a business decision, it is not a right. The statement that interests me was "promised".

    Edited to correct speeeeling

  3. Sorry to hear about your bad news. When one door shuts another opens. I hope it is not long before you find the open door. Good luck looking for it.

    I am currently in the "at risk" phase, waiting to hear if the finger is pointing at me.

  4. Probably have higher costs and still need to make a profit. Some may not have a high through put and may still be selling fuel they bought at a higher cost. That's all the excuses I could think of.


    They are just profiteering.

    Will we ever know.

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