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Posts posted by Maxwellian

  1. I did a few sessions at Hartlip Church many many years ago. I must of bounced the bell too hard as the stay snapped. Remembered to let go as I left the ground and saw the size of the little hole the rope was going through. That got the heart beat thumping faster. Did not get invited back after that.

  2. Lovely article that may help us understand why some run others down rather that building on what is said or putting their own views forward positively.

    Loved the bit:

    "At no time in this downward spiral does an obvious fact occur to critical people: Criticism is an utter failure at getting positive behavior change. Any short-term gain you might get from it builds resentment down the line.

    Criticism fails because it embodies two of the things that human beings hate the most:

    It calls for submission, and we hate to submit.

    It devalues, and we hate to feel devalued."



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  3. The last centre cockpit we hired was Broads Sunrise from Richardsons. It was a lovely boat when the weather was nice, which luckily for us was most of the time. The problem was when it started raining you had to put the roof up. I admit it was several years ago and things have probably improved but the wiper was next to useless and to see out of the bit that it did wipe you had to have your head against the roof at an angle, not very comfortable.

    I hope the newer boats have better wipers, window demisters and headroom when the roof is up.

  4. I managed to get some way down the Chet from Loddon thinking that it's not handling to well, what's wrong before remembering I had forgotten to pull up the mud weight. I would like to have put it down to age but It was several years ago.

  5. Got to agree with Gracie, we are having a quiet night with friends. Happy New Year to all. Big thanks to Jonzo and the Mods. Here's to a great 2015 for everyone. May you get what you need, not always what you want and may you learn to recognise the difference.

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  6. We had a fantastic day relaxing. We were lucky enough to have caught the bug early, so that by Christmas Eve we had got rid of it including the hacking cough. Must have started in the northern part of Hampshire and worked its way down. Hope all are better soon.

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  7. We have had two holidays on house boats on the Broads. One in Acle Dyke and one in Summercraft yard both many years ago. Both times we had a dingy with motor on back. We had an excellent time on both. Don't think either are there now.

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