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Posts posted by Maxwellian

  1. If I want to go through Wroxham or PH bridge I am happy to pay. I personally would not dream of going through on my own. I would be very unhappy about paying for others to go through though if I was not. I do believe that there should be some for of penalty if you take a hire boat through without the pilot. How about a Credit Card swipe when you take the boat out, the same as most hire cars. Only used in case of negligence and going through without pilot. In today's age it would not be impossible to spot those going through without.

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  2. Just had some time out in a stinky and I must say the Sailies were excellent. More than ever before gave clear hand signals (of the pleasant, constructive nature) showing me where they wanted me to go. It really helps. For those that don't I find watching them as they get closer, unless there is an obvious change in river direction or wind they usually follow the same pattern. This allows me to anticipate where they will be so that I can do my best to not be where they want to be.......simples. Just occasionally this does not work and plan B is needed.......panic!

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  3. Just spent six days on Sweet Freedom. Service was excellent. Boat very good with fuel. Freedom Yard to Burgh Castle, Womack, Potters, Under the bridge and all round, back under the Bridge next day, Womack (Lunham Butcher excellent), Acle, Reedham, Bargate Broad, Brundall Gardens 24hr, Brammerton, Freedom Yard. All this for 27 litres using the tides.


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