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Posts posted by Maxwellian

  1. As far as I see it when charging for something there has to be a value proposition to the items being charged for and a very clear way of identifying/differentiation items so that they can be fairly charged for in the eyes of those paying the charge.

    Achieving the above so that all parties feel it is fair is going to need Solomon and Harry Potter. It is just not going to happen, but I see nothing wrong with debating these issues on the forum. differences are opinions based of personal views they can sometimes be based on facts or research. These facts and research are very often also opinions at the time of making them. Yesterdays facts are often tomorrow errors as research and understanding differs.

    So please debate and keep it friendly. I for one find this thread very interesting. 

    I do have some opinions to add. Those items considered as a luxury item are often already paid for upon gaining the asset and unless it could be clearly identified to add cost to the BA in the upkeep and maintenance of the Broads, why should they be penalised by others. 

    There are three potential measures (there may be many more): 

    1. Time on Broads (many ways to measure. Why not black box all boats)
    2. Space taken up by boat (many ways to actually measure)
    3. Disruption to or derogation of the Broads and surrounding areas (as seen by the discussion above it is very difficult to measure. (Again black box would track speed, but boat wash etc differs from design to design for any given speed)

    Love and Kisses to all. please play nicely. :)

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  2. Some yards take it seriously. We hired from Freedom and had our own life jackets. They insisted on checking the auto inflation mechanism was in date. Good stuff, we were not offended at all.

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  3. We were going across Breydon from Yarmouth and SOB slowly went past on the shore side. In the distance some sky rocket was hurtling towards us creating a very large wake. SOB slowed down and got between us and the wake to shelter us. It then proceeded to catch up with the sky rocket. We proceeded on our way as SOB stopped the SR behind us. We were pleased to see them and grateful for the action that they took.

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