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Posts posted by Maxwellian

  1. As I mentioned in my earlier post we stay there regularly and the last problem we saw was 30 years ago. I take the necessary precautions and I always avoid overnighting for the weekend as it is a bit noisy. It is all up to personal choice. I do however feel that those contemplating visiting for the first time need to be aware of the potential problems. It can be noisy at the weekends and occasionally someone will climb over the fence at night.. So make sure you have tied up properly through the ring and back to the boat, I use as many ropes as possible and also put the mud weight down.

    I still stay there and enjoy doing so.

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  2. i have first hand knowledge of several boats being untied at Norwich Yacht Station. We were all asleep in the early hours of the morning to be woken up by lots of shouting. Several boats had been untied, but one had not put his mud weight down and was drifting away in the middle of the river. It took several minutes before a sleepy head looked out of the window to see what the fuss was about. He then realised what was happening. Boats all tied back up and his mud weight down then back to sleep with the excitement over.

    This all happened back in 1985 before the fence and gates. We have stayed many times since occasionally using Thorpe instead but have never had a repeat. Always put your ropes through the loop and tied them back on the boat. I alwaysbring the non bank side over as well if long enough and tie them as well or use a spring. Then I always put the mud weight down. Saved us in 1985. I put it down out of habit now where ever we moor.

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  3. I am with you on this one Peter and hope that Palidin continues to contribute. I love visiting the Broads and learn so much more about them and the community within from these discussions. Facts are facts and opinions are opinions, all contributions are worth while if we keep them as such and avoid taking things personally. We can only be insulted by something if we let ourselves be insulted, and I am very impressed with the way enthusiastic and committed people are putting their points forward in a mostly clear and interesting way. Please keep it up.

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  4. I thought the closest harvester was in Lowestoft, there is a place called the Harvester club in Beccles. Due you mean the Wetherspoons Marina? I use both Harvester and Wetherspoons at times as well as others. My favorite is the Lavendar House in Brundell, but I can't afford to eat there as often as I could the others. I would welcome a Harvester in the area, but then I only go there on holiday.

    EDITED for Speeeelinggg correction

  5. If I am on the boat I usually pop out and see if they need help. I prefer not to have someone double moor as on previous occasions it tends to be a bit noisier with the boats rubbing and we are early to bed, early to rise. We have never turned anyone away. With my snoring they may not sleep to well either. Last year we helped people stern moor a few times, I uasually take the line and help them in if they need it or fend off if not. We were at OBYS last year when a hire boat was stern mooring between us and a nice private boat. It was very tight and the other owner had a very concerned look on his face. I took the line and kept the hire boat close to us as he fended off. We were in a rather old hire boat that had collected several marks over the years. It is best to ask at all times as long as someone is on board. If not I uasually find somewhere else. Good thread MM

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