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Posts posted by Maxwellian

  1. It is a small world, just re-read Hylanders post. We lived in Sittingbourne for ages, when we first moved there there was an old style store at the bottom of Bell lane near the cinima end. Used to have loads of oped boxes/tins on rising stages round the outside. The staff helped from the top of the stages and sent the money via a string and shuttle system to the till in the corner and the change would come back. Later when I was older the s bends at the bottom off Bell lane were excellent on the motorbike.

    Sorry dived off on one there. Memories.

  2. Enjoyed very much Robin. The tin opener had me in stitches again. I always used to take a can opener with us until I started using Maffetts. Did not take one this year as I knew heirs would be good. Excellent frying pand and a workable bread knife too.

    Keep on making the blogs. Sharing the broads is a good thing to do.

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  3. I find that when I have a very early start and avoid Norwich the roads are fine just the way they are, but then I am only traveling just under one hundred and seventy miles. Traveling from a south westerly direction I see no point in working on the roads from any other direction. :)

    I have to agree with Griff though. If we had dual carriage way from all directions just think how busy it would get.

  4. In August with the strong winds it was 2:1 between hire and private although one hirer did say sorry, rather than scarper. Mind you the hull of the boat we were on has lots of marks and gouges. One more could not be noticed. Lovely time though. I am all for a lower multiplier for hire boats to keep the hire costs down..........that is until I can get my own boat.

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