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Its easy to forget there is more to Norfolk than just its "National Park"  :default_biggrin:

Starting tomorrow and running until Sunday is the 16th Annual Beer Festival organised by the North Norfolk Railway, known as "The Poppy Line" With over 120 Beers and Ciders, I'm unlikely to test them all, but I'll see what I can do :default_beerchug:

I attach the beer list for Howard's approval. :default_beerchug:


THE BEER LIST 2017.pdf

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Grace, This is Norfolk, I'll be lucky to get a signal, let alone find my phone after a few beers. :15_yum: 

Sheringham still has a lot of Victorian charm, I'll see if I can send a telegram from The Post Office. :default_beerchug:

Weather forecast is looking reasonable so I expect the turnout to be good. Was difficult trying to find somewhere to stay when I booked five weeks ago. This time of year the B+Bs don't like single night stays at the weekend, so I have been forced into staying two nights. Oh well, better make the most of it then :default_biggrin:

Still should give a little time for some shopping at that well known Gentlemans store Blyth & Wright. I visit each year with no idea what I want, and always leave with more than I can carry.


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Wow! Thanks for that Keith :default_beerchug: just wish I could be there :default_crying1animated:

That's a very good list, some of my faves from Norfolk, Humpty Dumpty, S and P,  Golden Triangle and a really good selection from around the country too including a couple from the land of flat caps and ferrets. All quality stuff, whoever ordered the beer has very good taste IMHO :default_beerchug:

Enjoy and report back please! 

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