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Bird Flu To Hit Broads?


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Sorry but so what. Not going to panic about one bird with H5N8 especially since it's a bird and guess what they get BIRD FLU. 


H5N1 is a different story but that is the link they made saying the virus. Well yes of course all bird flu types are H5 something. Sensationalist claptrap for the Masses. Ok I exaggerate it is the EDP after all.


Nothing to see here move along please .

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A friend from Uni who studied the same course as me oh so many years ago actually works for the monitoring station / program for migratory birds in the UK and they sample bird poop collected from all over the country and test it for many different diseases. Flu being just one of many they monitor. You could say it's a bit of a s**t job actually.


If you think about it its quite a responsible job and a really good idea. One thing I do know though the pay is not great...



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