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O2 Tu-go App


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For those on O2 they are stopped the TU-GO app on the 1st Nov I think it is.

It gets your phone signal over wifi when you lose the signal. Like in Horning mine would get calls via the Three dongle.

Even in the house I lose signal in the room but it jumped on to the router.

Anyone used another wifi app to get calls or is it time to get BT a go cheaper as well

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27 minutes ago, Siddy said:

For those on O2 they are stopped the TU-GO app on the 1st Nov I think it is.

It gets your phone signal over wifi when you lose the signal. Like in Horning mine would get calls via the Three dongle.

Even in the house I lose signal in the room but it jumped on to the router.

Anyone used another wifi app to get calls or is it time to get BT a go cheaper as well

I'v started a new thread on a very similar subject: why cant't we get the phone signal over the phone network we pay dearly for? 

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1 hour ago, Siddy said:

For those on O2 they are stopped the TU-GO app on the 1st Nov I think it is.

It gets your phone signal over wifi when you lose the signal. Like in Horning mine would get calls via the Three dongle.

Even in the house I lose signal in the room but it jumped on to the router.

Anyone used another wifi app to get calls or is it time to get BT a go cheaper as well

Does that mean that your phone service provider is charging you for a service that you are actually being provided for and charged for in addition by a wifi provider?

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I know it says on O2 site that the 'modern' phone have it built in. I'm using a 2 year Sony Z3 and yes would like the latest but there's not a lot on the upgrade to lose nearly £500.

OK doesn't have wifi calling lol just checked Sony site.

The Tu-go app was great I had it installed on ipad and laptop so I could text off any but when the phone rang it rang in 3 places, Kaz doesn't see the funny side in this a bit like all 3 house phones have different ring tones and same with wireless door bells they ring different tunes as well.

The app was free.


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