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Consultation On The Use Of Red Diesel For Pleasure Craft


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Apologies if this had already been posted

As Chairman of the Moonlight Shadow syndicate I have been tasked with my response to the "Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) judgment on diesel fuel used in private pleasure craft consultation document"


The waterways briefing note response can also be found here


So as I prepare my own response, I am hoping to encourage other boat users of the waterways to respond to


with their replies to questions 9 to 19 of the document and maybe discuss the points in order to help answer the questions in greater detail.

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Very interesting reading, I hire 2 or 3 times a year so it affects me just the same. All I can say is roll on Oct 31 and get these unelected beaurocratic dictators of the EU kicked into touch and then we can make our own rules. We joined a common market not a United States of Europe

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The trouble is that, despite the minor irritation of cost, there is actually very little justification for it being tax differently for pleasure boaters - it was introduced as a concession for farmers (? ) and fishermen, but as far as general boating activities, it is a very small part my general boating costs, and taxing that small proportion of the cost would make very little overall difference.

People who run petrol boats do not have this concession so why should diesel boat owners have one? Or have I missed something??

And as for making our own rules, my belief, for what it is worth, is you should be very very careful of what you wish for. Do you really think the the existing rules are suddenly going to be dropped to be replaced by no rules at all? Oops - sorry Mods that is almost political!!!!!!! :default_gbxhmm:

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Oh Lordy people are in for a shock. 

Essentially, as I understand it, all the current laws and regulations will be taken into UK law en masse   

This is so the world doesn’t stop while new laws are written

So on many many many levels nothing will change  

Except of course whatever Government is in is going to have to find billions to pay for this **** show so expect life to get more expensive  


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