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Hi all

I am going to move my pre-filters to a more accessible location so that has given me the opportunity to think about sea safety. I have two choices - I can run a share pipe between outlets of the two so if one blocks I can simply open a valve to let both engines run off one filter, or for the little additional cost I can install two pre-filters per engine with valves to select which one I want to use.

I am erring towards the twin filter set up but as explained to me before can see the benefits in a simple share pipe.

I would be interested to know how others have filters set up for the "just in case" situation.



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Twins would be best as if the setup is designed to be drawn from by one engine per primary filter and you need to use two engines from the one it may not have the flow capability you need, though you could check the specs if need be. Don't forget to rotate their use for a short time occasionally so you don't have really old diesel sat in one filter for a long time, which also confirms that all the valves and pipework are still OK.

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Hi all

I am going to move my pre-filters to a more accessible location so that has given me the opportunity to think about sea safety. I have two choices - I can run a share pipe between outlets of the two so if one blocks I can simply open a valve to let both engines run off one filter, or for the little additional cost I can install two pre-filters per engine with valves to select which one I want to use.

I am erring towards the twin filter set up but as explained to me before can see the benefits in a simple share pipe.

I would be interested to know how others have filters set up for the "just in case" situation.



Just leave it as it is mate, you only need to change them once every 3 1/2 years mate :lol::lol:

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Personally I would put a share valve into your existing for the reasons David eludes to, you wouldn't want static diesel picking up a bug. Fairly sure you would feed both your engines through on clear filter as Crackerjack can feed his ok.

Other thing to bare in mind is make sure you can pull off both tanks for either filter so you don't end up running out of fuel when you still have a full tank. guess you would need a share tap before the filters too.

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