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Just to say Hi


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Welcome to the forum, it would help folks to come up with some ideas appropriate for you if you give us a bit more information. Size and type of boat, do you want sea access, family cruising, a couple of blokes who like to go fishing etc. Where do you live and what travelling are you happy with, it makes a difference to where might find convenient and enjoyable.

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further requirements ON THE WATER!!!!!!!! but winter storage, North/South either, parking, handy potta potty disposal would be good until I work out how to put a holding tank in, it is only 21ft so not a lot of storage, but if we had got a bigger one getting away from kids/grand kids would have been hard.

We live in the far NE so would not be every w/end use.

Thanks for the welcome.


ps my wife would like a shopping complex so anywhere not near one preferred, local shop fine

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