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First Timers !

Guest Chris j

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Hi to everyone ,

Having never been to the Norfolk broads , in fact never stayed on a boat of any description we are quite excited , but in need of lots of advice please !

Four of us have booked a boat going from Wroxham on Easter Saturday , we have it until the folowing Saturday , however our friends will be leaving us on the Tuesday - we therefore do not want to be as far away as possible by the Tuesday , but then again my wife and I would prefer not to see the same parts again for the remainder of our break.We would be very appreciative if any one could receommend a route that we should take - we really like countryside / pretty etc ( like most people I guess ! ).

We are also unsure how much food to take and if it's convenient to shop 'en route' ?

Probably a daft question ......... the boat has warm air heating , are they generally warm ? Linda is wondering how many jumpers to take !

Lots more questions , but this is a good start ,

Thanks to everyone in anticipation


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Hi Chris and welcome

Heating – Countess is a modern boat and will probably have diesel fired warm air heating – this should keep you cosy, one jumper should more than suffice!

Shopping – you have a very good supermarket - Roys of Wroxham (actually just over the bridge in Hoveton) stocks everything you need and prices are very reasonable. Bear in mind boat fridges are good but not as good as a domestic fridge and its best to do a bit of shopping as you go rather than trying stock up for an entire week. There are shops in Coltishall, Horning, Potter Heigham, Ludham, Stalham and Acle as well as riverside stores at Stokesby, Ranworth and Ludham Bridge.

If it’s your first time you might be better sticking to the Northern rivers, rather than going through Yarmouth.

You could pick the boat up on Saturday and ask the yard to take you through Wroxham bridge, spend the evening in Coltishall. Sunday say Salhouse Broad for lunch, evening in Horning. Monday you could visit Ranworth and say Ludham Bridge on the night. Tuesday you could work back (not too far) and drop your friends off. Wednesday take a trip up the River Ant and visit Sutton and Stalham. Thursday visit Potter Heigham and maybe down to Acle Bridge for the evening. Friday work your way back up towards Wroxham, maybe mooring at Salhouse or Horning for the evening ready for the trip back to the yard on Saturday.

These are just general ideas, I’m sure you will find your favourite spots. There may be a few boats around at Easter, so it’s worth getting in early, particularly popular spots like Ranworth and Horning. (Horning is better for an evening as 2 of the pubs only allow day boats before 5pm). If you like a bit more peace and quiet you can drop the mudweight at places like Ranworth and Salhouse, particularly if the moorings are busy.

Have a good time!


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Thanks John , Mary-Jane & Jill , met up with our friends who live in Stratford ( we live in Stoke on Trent ) discussed the proposed itineraries - we are all quite excited at this new adventure !

Thanks again to everyone


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