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2022 Plans


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3 minutes ago, Mouldy said:

I think the same may be true for truck drivers and the facilities found in this country for them.  I’ve driven in France, Holland, Germany and Belgium and the facilities for drivers over there are fantastic.  Far better than the expensive motorway service areas over here.  Little wonder that drivers are leaving the profession.

Boris is hoping that wages and conditions improve.  The wages might, but facilities in this greed driven society where profits matter most, are likely to remain more suitable for cattle than professional drivers.

Don’t understand why you have to turn a perfectly good post about what we are likely to be doing in 2022 for holidays into another political conversation ! Its getting boring.


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Another one for me next year maybe on the cards but its early days yet,  I need the dates to not coincide with the Lads Week of 2022.  If it all falls nicely, If the captain of our shoot can secure me a place, then maybe, just maybe I will be spending two nights in Drumlanrig castle with some of our regular guns.  I can take MrsG and Purdey dog too for a days partridge shooting. If it does come off and we actually go, it'll be a one off, never to be repeated.  Besides It'll take me all year to save up for it :default_icon_e_surprised:  Still, 'It's only money' at the end of the day



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