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This Time Of Year....


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I associate this time of year with memories of childhood and younger adulthood because this is around the time the following year's Hoseasons and Blakes brochures were released. I can remember, in the days when there were many travel agents on the high street, walking into the agents and asking if the brochures were available. Invariably they weren't and I ended up receiving them in the post. Either way I would pour through them, work out what was new (or invariably, which boatyards had stopped hiring). As much as that though, in cold November days the brochures were a reminder of sunny boating time.

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Hi Simon

I used to do the same, often the travel agent would say yes and then appear with the Blakes Country Cottages brochure instead, which must have often come out a fortnight ahead!

Still, it worked sometimes and it was great looking for new pictures and I used to like which boats had been bought by/swapped to which fleets, which seemed to die out more as the 90s wore on 

I also used to scour all the prices and pretty much knew them in my head, but on the other side of the scales I was a very cool kid :default_biggrin:


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I remember in the late 60's reading both brochures enough times for me to be able to tell anyone details of any boat including :-        boat name,  boatyard, length and beam, number of beds( double and single), layout and whether front, rear or central steering.

Wouldn't it have been nice to have some other activity to keep me occupied ?!!!!!! lol


Oh to have such a good memory nowadays   

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