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It does seem to me that BRAG are operating under the radar at the moment and IMHO that is the best and only way to operate at the moment.

If anyone of you are reading this forum I can only wish you every success πŸ‘

To also seem to have lit a fire under the totally useless NBSA' s collective backsides. Well done and keep those fires stoked 😁

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3 hours ago, Wussername said:

I do not understand, If they do not have a lease what authority do they have, if any? Are theyΒ trespasser's, squatters, heaven a bid have we fallen amongst thieves ?

Ah! Ranworth. Historic reasons. What reasons? How far back do we have to go? What possible legal credibility can you place on "historic reasons"

Fred, no malice meant or intended, playing the devils advocate.Β 


There was an email from Broadland District Council published on FB confirming the lease had expired and negotiations were on hold and that the BA needed to seek legal advice re charging,Β  it was established when the last least was signed that it was illegal to impose a charge on previously free public moorings that was what my historical comment relates to, I have ben given to understand the BA advisors have confirmed that but can'tΒ  say for sure, at the moment the signs at both still say free 24hr mooring.


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With regards to giving your name and address to some person trying to fleece you for money.

You do not have to give your name and address to a police officer unless you are being arrested so why would you give it to a person employed by BA.

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