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Reversing Cameras

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28 minutes ago, oceandawn said:

Hi John

Yes the canopy is usually up.Would agree if it was down the vision through the patio doors would be better.Did wonder if we could fit a camera on the radar arch.It is comforting to know that more boat owners than us need assistance to stern moor.Don't feel so much of a numpty!

Many Thanks

A Numpty is usually someone that won't ask a question or make life safer and easier 

I would think that it was dependent on the height and location of the radar arch as if it is not high enough or to far forward , you could be looking at more boat than mooring. An uninterrupted view maybe a car type on the transom would work.

When advertised these cameras give their scope make a cardboard stencil or cut out put your radar arch up and try the triangle for vision by eye.

Kindest Regards Marge and Parge 

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9 hours ago, oceandawn said:

We have an extensive Furuno navigation system. Does anyone know  if a camera could be integrated into this?

Video uses too much bandwidth to run over the NMEA and CAN-Bus protocols used for most connections. It's possible the unit may have dedicated camera input(s) but Furuno don't seem to make installation manuals available, so hard to tell. It might be worth looking at the back of the display, or on any hide-away boxes for an RCA socket (often yellow for video). If it hasn't got one, probably give up on the idea. If it has, it may be worth trying to track down an install guide.

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We bought the boat with some 12k of navigation equipment on it.I can't see us using it and we certainly can't understand the workings.As you say not a lot of information about it.The previous owner Kingsley Farrington was a very experienced seaman so clearly did not need manuals.With the information that we have received we have a pretty good idea what we could install. Many Thanks to all who have shared their knowledge.



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18 minutes ago, oceandawn said:

The previous owner Kingsley Farrington was a very experienced seaman

And another great Norfolk boatbuilder, who did his apprenticeship at Windboats I believe?

Presumably his boat would either be stunnning and fabulously maintained, or, like plumbers with leaky taps, horribly neglected, because everyone else was always calling on his talents with their boats so he never got time to spend on his own!

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Hi Dom

Actually the refurb that he did was pretty amazing sadly he died before he finished it.Some seriously high tech stuff some of it difficult for the likes of us to get our heads around.From what we have learned about him  he was a superb boat builder and craftsman.The boat has been very well maintained and we hopefully will carry on his work.Shame he didn't make it stern moor by itself!


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