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hampton boatyard


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smilie_girl_205.gif hi all, ive heard some of you talking about hamptons, i remember seeing hampton boats years ago in a brochure, i can remember they were a khaki green colour, but did'nt like the colour very much lol, but can't remember which boatyard it was or where , can anybody shed any light on it ? & were they the same hamptons that's been mentioned on here ? Lori :-)
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smilie_girl_205.gif hi all, ive heard some of you talking about hamptons, i remember seeing hampton boats years ago in a brochure, i can remember they were a khaki green colour, but did'nt like the colour very much lol, but can't remember which boatyard it was or where , can anybody shed any light on it ? & were they the same hamptons that's been mentioned on here ? Lori :smile:


It was at Oulton Broad, for 40 years, up until 2002.


Yes, the same design as being mentioned on the forum at the moment.



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I`ve always loved the Hampton Safari mk1+2 with the sliding top. Superb little boats, and a great little starter boat for a couple. A former colleague of mine some 35 years ago hired one on the Thames (Virgo Star i think from Star fleet) which was the mk3 version, when 4 of them went. Having looked over a few of them recently, i don`t think i`d like to sleep 4 on one, unless you`re more than good friends.



Regards to all ..................... Neil.

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Neil! the front bunk on mine opens out to a 4ft bed using the cushions and the rear bunk is also 4ft, you can sleep four as it says but your right it is tight, and the problem is if you have to get up in the night it means climbing over your other half, so what we do is Judi has the main bed and because I'm a late bird I have the front bunk, personally I'd say they are a very comfortable two berth and ideal for a couple,  on our other boats we always used the V berth in the front and anyone else got the double middle, the main thing I like about the Hampton is that as it's only 25ft long it really is 25ft of usable space, and very dog friendly as everything is on one level, on my Seamaster 813 if you took the cockpit off and the V berth you only really had around 10ft of cabin space,



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