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Four Day Brain F**t


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As some of you know I'm fitting 240v shorepower on my boat, normally it's a job I can easily do in half a day, but I think my brain died and didn't tell me! so far it's taken three days and it will be finished tomorrow, I'm normally one track! start a job and finish it before starting another job, for some odd reason I'm all over the place, I drill a couple of holes, put a bit of cable in then stop and do something else, so far I have about six jobs on the go, today I had all the 240 sorted, tested it and everything was fine, plugged a small light in and it tripped, tried a few times and it tripped every time, I went through all the circuits testing them! all fine, got my test plug out, three lights on every socket, so should work, re-wired the fusebox, everything checked Ok but it kept tripping, can't find any problems so it must be a duff RCD, strip the cables out remove duff RCD, all this took me four hours so I started sealing the windows, on the way home pop into Screwfix get new RCD for £20, great tomorrow it will be fixed, about an hour ago I'm sitting here working out my next job when I get a brain f**t, I suddenly realised why the 240 won't work, instead of connecting the neutral cable to the RCD I'd connected it to the busbar, how I missed it I have no idea!  how I suddenly thought of it while I was thinking of something else I have no idea! it's just been a very strange week in my brain, no 240v yet but I did get lot of little unimportant jobs done, even though I keep loosing things, like screwdrivers and my electric drill, I do find them after turning the boat upside down, I lost my Stanley knife today, I looked everywhere only for Judi to say it's in your hand, Oh well! tomorrows another day hopefully my brain will be back from it's holiday,,



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Alls well today Baz! 240v shorepower finished, now I'm setting about ripping it apart, Flipping Cream Vinyl everywhere inside and I hate it, so it will be wood, wood and more wood, plus a bit of carpet, got a few leaks in the windows to sort out and the vinyl has made it worse as the water has been getting trapped behing the vinyl, ripped one bit out and there and it was about four feet thick with black mould, Vinyl may look nice but in my opinion it's C**p, was going to have the windows out but I'm hoping I don't have to, the idiots that built the boat have rivited the windows in, so I'm trying to aviod removing them, and what sort of idiots builds a boat with no roof vents in? don't get me wrong It's a nice boat but the build quality of Birchwoods is C**p, so much for a boat that just needed tidying up, I can see a re-fit coming,,,,



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Clive! Judi says I have Sometimers, sometimes I remember, other times I don't, the memory isn't the issue. it's the time lapse, someone could mention a person to me and not know his name, then three weeks later, I'll be working on the boat or something and it'll come to me out of the blue, or I'll be working on the boat doing something then remember the job I was supposed to be doing, I always had a thing that when doing something and it was going wrong, walk away and do something else, now the more jobs I have going at one time the better I feel, I've always got bored very easily but could usually last a job out, now it's an hour on this job, then an hour on something else, the only good thing is that the boat or whatever I'm doing will look like c**p for months, then suddenly in a couple of days it all comes together and it'll be finished,



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