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Have a good new year


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2014 has not been an entirely great year for me in some respects. Mum in law is in her autumn days, has alzheimer's, and spent many months in our care until we could manage her no longer. She's now in a very comfy care home but we still spend many hours with her. Without her I wouldn't have met my Lyn so I do owe her a big thanks.


In 2014 I met up with Aunty Pauline, alias Polly, at the Three Rivers race. Memorable for the lack of wind, Griff's (BA) chronic jokes and the warm welcome into the confines of Brilliant. Thanks, Polly & Co.


In 2014 I made a move that I never expected to make, to the Bright Side, NBN.

A big thank you for the welcome and the tolerance, it means a lot.


2015, I have high hopes, many more hours off the mooring. I hope the Broads gives you what you want in 2015.


Take care, have a good new year.



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Nicely put Peter. My 2014 has been very similar, mum passing away a month ago and taking her funeral service, today quite upsetting watching the grandchildren opening the little presents she had just finished making. 90 year old mother in law who lives with us walking slowly down the path of dementia., such a sad thing to witness.

2015 will bring a brand new granddaughter, a miracle every time.

Lots to mourn for 2014, but much to look forward to for 2015.

Wishing all members and your families health and happiness next year.

Take care of one another.


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I always welcome the new year with intrepidation. A realisation of our fragility, our vulnability. JM and PS have both mentioned loved ones who need our care and love . I understand. My family understand. Because like many on this forum we have had to come to terms with the inevitability of life and the many challenges we have to face.

Beyond this understanding there is amongst us an appreciation. A common appreciation which is quite unique amongst us all.

That of our boats, hired, or owned. Or simply our love of the Norfolk Broads.

To bring all these important parts of our life together is of course the forum . In itself insignifecent. Not important. A place where people meet, and discuss matters which are of interest to the person who originates the topic and to those who enjoy being involved.

Not important! In the scheme of things. Probably not for some. For me it has become one of the bench marks of my day.

Having just joined this forum, from a distant place from that I once frequented I am delighted to be here, devoid of anamosity and confrontation.

Happy to moor alongside any of you guys.

Happy New Year and my best wishes to all of you.

Old Wussername.

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