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Fuel Pump

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Ok boys and girls my fuel pump is cream crackered! I think it has a crack in it as it's drawing in air, I checked all the hoses and unions and they are sound, but when I connect my pellor to the carb union I can actually hear it drawing air in at the pump, so it's time for a new one, the engine is a Ford Watermota SeaTiger 1600 cc crossflow and I believe it's based on the Kent Engine, here's the problem I can't seem to locate one, does anyone know anywhere local to Norfolk/Suffolk or anywhere else I could get one, or an exchange re-furbished one???? I did find one from Sheridan Marine but I need one that won't break the bank,,



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Thanks folks! more leads to check on, Never thought of a Car part place, I have Euro parts right near me I'll give them a try,


Diesel! I found that place a few days ago and that Pump, the thing is mine has the inlet and outlet on the sides of the pump, that one has one on top and one at the side, It would fit mine if I could put an elbow joint on the top, but it would mean cutting off the nipple things and using compression joints on them instead of the push on pipe, I need to replace the fuel lines so I don't think it would be a problem, I was just looking for a straight swap-over but after talking to Sheridan marine even with their replacement pump you need to cut the nipple things off and they are three times the price,,



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Ok! great news a neighbour into classic cars has a new one he said I can have, I did try a few Motor Factors  and they all can get them, the price for the same pump ranged from £27.00 to £60.00, and someone has kindly given me another lead, I did think about the electric pump but it would mean taking half the boat apart to run the new cable up to the ignition switch plus someone said I'd need to fit a cut out thing on the oil pressure outlet for safety reasons because the pump will run on as long as there is power to it, so as the mechanical one is free i'll do the cheap option and see how it go's :party:



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If you think how long that model of pump has been used by Ford, ie during the late 50's to the early 80's and how old your engine is, and how long it has lasted, then replace like with like, unless you can buy a refurb kit, including the diaphragm.

I bet you could buy all the bits back in the 60's and 70's, maybe still can, but for a new pump, the price is not that bad.

If you fitted an electric pump, it's something else to go wrong, and wouldn't work well if the battery was low on capacity. I doubt that would last decades.

Mind you an electric pump can't be as bad as the old mini ones, bolted onto the rear subframe, I remember tapping it many times with a length of wood when the engine cut out. First mod on the mini, was to install it in the boot, but when you think about it later, the pump created sparks as it used a pair of contacts, it was these that corroded, now if there was a fuel leak in the boot... Mind you the battery was in the boot too... creating an explosive mix of oxygen and hydrogen.

Having said that, the floor of my mini was so rotten, it was well ventilated lol...

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Viking! you can still get a repair kit for those models for just over £10, I just paid £16.00 for one thinking that would cure it, but as I said it seems to have a crack in it of something as it's drawing in air and I checked all the unions/gaskets or anything else that might be the cause, I'm a bit old school when it comes to cars or engines I like things simple, I have all sorts of gadgets on my car but the only things I use is the electric wing mirrors of the windows, at one time my motto was give me a half inch spanner and a packet of fag papers and I'll fix most things with a petrol engine, now the plug everything into the computer, Mmmm! Mini's, yup! been there, fairy washing up bottle shield for the coil, and never go anywhere without the full Mini toolkit, Yup! a can of WD40, I think my first mods were those wide plastic wheel arches, wider white wheels, and a racing exhaust, funny how with the Mini even 40mph felt like 90mph, it was even worse when I fitted the 1100 engine in mine, 



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Well the neighbour couldn't find his pump but I managed to get a new one for £32.00 at the local auto factors, got to the boat early Thursday took the old fump and fuel lines out and replaced them with the blingy new bits, fired her up and nothing, connected my pellor pump up and tried to draw fuel through to the carb got it up there and also put a bit in the carb, fired her up, Whoopee! she started, 30 seconds later she stopped, so connected the pellor up again and because it was quite now I could hear what sounded like air being drawn in again, rechecked all my new work and it was fine, by now the air was blue, back to the drawing board and thought start at the fuel tank and work up to the carb, plenty of fuel and I could draw it up the the filter, took off the outlet side of the filter, plugged the pellor in got fuel but I also noticed air bubbles then I noticed a little wet fuel ring at the bottom of the filter, took it off to check it, and noticed the bottom sealing ring was half inch bigger than the bottom plate, took the top ring off and it was chewed up a bit, so took over to the workshop and asked David if it looked right to him, it was a new filter but the sealing rings were both the wrong ones, took the filter over to JCB's and the bottom plate where the guy there also told me it was the wrong filter as well, something to do with the centre hole in it, went back fitted the new filter and Yippeee Doooo! it fired up first time and now purrs like a kitten, since buying the boat in September I havn't started the engine but it ran fine when I picked it up, but I was also told that I was lucky because the boat could have gone up with a bang, all for the sake of a £3.49 filter that I never even nototiced was leaking fuel, so one pump repair kit, one new pump and new fuel lines, that cost me around £80.00 (none of it need replacing) countless headaches trying to work out what the problem was,  it was a £3.49 filter, still at least I know it's all safe now and I have new shiney bits, including a bright yellow JCB filter,,,



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