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Everything posted by newf

  1. Thanks Bruce but is it just me or do they not make things easy I couldn't find any ref. to some basic items in the tutorials
  2. Thanks again Bruce I'll have a look but I am still having trouble finding the insert caption mode in library daaaaa
  3. as a ps. Bruce , am I going to be able to burn to cd at the end ?
  4. Bruce as usual a wealth of information and I wish I had the ability to absorb it all but you have once again explained things more so than the tutorials. I'll now carry on to the next hiccup, See you on the 21st. Colin
  5. Morning Bruce, Thanks for that, solved one question. Next one, when I include descriptive text on a pic. and go to the next pic. the text follows into the second one but I need to maybe change the text for this, do I save the first pic. before going onto the second and if so how ? Colin
  6. O.K. all you lightroom buffs I could do with some help . I have been battleing with the slideshow module and although some progress I am stuck. I have tried tutorials but some basics seem to be missing. I have been experimenting and after some success I need to undo all I have done and start again but I cant find how. also how to save each shot before going onto the next. Any help appreciated Newf Colin
  7. Count me in on this one Simon but have just called Mike and he is off to the smoke to see his family that weekend so no can do, Colin
  8. Havn't forgotten Simon ,looking forward to that as well but I think Paul was talking on a personnel trip and I was just jumping on the bandwagon
  9. Will definately bear that in mind Paul, perhaps liase nearer the time Colin
  10. Hi Paul, You must think we are a right load of wimps Would really have liked to have been there, nice pics and I could have had some good one to one advice but needs must. I'm glad I cried off in the end because I heard that although one of my new granchildren was still in an incubator she was getting stronger by the minute and I am going over to see them tomorrow so looking forward to that. Simon , sorry to see you have a bad neck but you have the right treatment to hand, get well soon, Colin
  11. This don't look to good , taste of things to come , just 2 mins ago newf
  12. Personnely I think I shall have so many layers on I shant be able to move to take photo's, never mind look on the bright side the weather forcast might be wrong newf
  13. newf

    point & Shoot

    I reckon Bruce might answer that
  14. newf

    point & Shoot

    Jonny I think it was Pete who had a P&S on the last ramble, have a look at his pictures somewhere on the thread and that should answer your question Newf
  15. Simon, I mentioned this to Mike, my friend who came last time, and he would like to come to the first one at least. Also I assume this is relyant somewhat on the weather. newf
  16. newf

    Lightroom 2

    Here's her sister........both posers !! :-D :-D
  17. newf

    Lightroom 2

    More luck than judgement Simon
  18. newf

    Lightroom 2

    Mark, I bet my model cost more than your model !!!!! Colin , I'm 100 today ________________>
  19. newf

    Lightroom 2

    Try try try again, success
  20. newf

    Lightroom 2

    Paul, That's the kind of thing but can I do it in lightroom and if so how ? thanks for the pm by the way and I'll try it .
  21. newf

    Lightroom 2

    and another one........I have seen rather nice looking grayscale piccies with areas of colour bought back in, I would like to try this with some photos of my grandchildren, can this be done in Lightroom ? Colin
  22. newf

    Lightroom 2

    OK so just to bring this down a peg or two this is my dumbo question . Whilst I am not intending to produce top quality stuff like you lot I would like to improve somewhat, if possible :-D :-D I have downloaded the free copy of Lightroom 2 and looked at some of the tutorials and at first glance I think I might get the hang of things but why photoshop as well, do they go hand in hand, does one do what the other doesn't. At my level I can't justify even to myself , getting both. Newf
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