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Everything posted by Soundings

  1. Well it did offend, me anyway, And yes JM did the decent thing and yes I agree with what you have just said for that is all this thread should reflect and should always have reflected - our joint sympathy and concern. I know we are all at one in that regard.
  2. Not sure anybody said he intended distress Strowie, indeed I said quite the opposite. It was just unfortunate and we all do that from time to time. I think JM has done the proper thing and all credit to him for that.
  3. Yes it does offend JM. The gory detail is not required; the point can be made with subtlety, if it really needs to be made at all. Most can work out possible scenarios (good or bad) for themselves. Sometimes it is best left that way imho. I feel for the owners and the pooch and just hope for the best possible outcome. That said, I am sure you mean well JM
  4. You are so good with words JM :-(
  5. Fingers and toes crossed. Colin
  6. Seems a reasonable deal to me. Have always liked the Wayford (many don't) and I hope it goes from strength to strength but as a higher end premises. I favoured it over Acle Bridge in season as it does/did not attract so much holiday traffic. There has to be a balance for survival, I do appreciate that, but the watchword is balance.
  7. If so probably for the best I'll get my coat!
  8. Do that all the time here in Norfolk - get stuck behind overtaking lorries (or lorries in general) that is. Used to get aggravated but now see it as a fact of life. Lorries do not stick to motorways anyway so it is always going to happen somewhere unless of course we concrete over the entire country with three lane roads. That's my take on it anyway Take your point re slip roads though.
  9. Is it really worth it! Colchester is only up the road from Chelmsford.
  10. Is there actually a diversion on the A47 that is more than it was, say, a month ago?
  11. Likewise - a great restaurant but in what I find to be a rather strange location.
  12. Sometimes the prescription is not quite right, it is a huge mathematical challenge working out the lens requirement. Mine were fine but not quite as good as they could have been. Solution - a quick zap with laser and bingo! So, as grendal says, most problems are easily managed.
  13. Had replacement lens surgery about 18 months ago. Brilliant! Wife had it done a couple of months ago - brilliant(ish) but "getting better all the time" (should burst into song there). It is quick, painless and in my experience very much worthwhile. It is though an operation and there are always risks but then the same applies to crossing the road!
  14. This is all the beginning of the end for Norfolk as we know it. Oh no - sorry- meant to say it is exciting times as Norfolk joins the 21st century.
  15. I never always had a car smellyloo and I cannot say that I was "well heeled". But we did have a tele and radio had been around for a long time. Give me a pint of beer and a chat with the locals in the pub anytime over sitting in front of a goggle box watching the likes of Coronation St and other rubbish. God man - even dominoes is better than Coronation St - at least one is using one's brain and interacting with others.
  16. You are entitled to your opinions JM as are the rest of us. I was very close to the issue you initially raised and likewise I shall leave it at that. But yes I agree the RSPB's influent is something to be concerned about.
  17. That is indeed one of the reasons, NN, but it is only one. Even if a freehold I would not envisage that pub being a particularly good business investment. Time will tell no doubt.
  18. Greatplum, you are correct, It is isolated and it struggles. I hope I am wrong but I cannot see how it can survive financially in the longer term - unless some well healed individual(s) run it as a hobby. Like you I reckon there will be an appeal.
  19. Good news yes. But in reality, what is the point of maintaining a business premises that cannot it seems make a realistic profit? What is the likely end result?
  20. Quite correct ChrisB and it was not a direct recommendation it was one of a series of options. It was no more in effect that an analysis where alternatives are slung up on a white board for further debate. Of course, a well now publisher got hold of it and....well that is history that is best left that way now. But it was nothing to do with the RSPB or there is no evidence that I have seen to suggest that, although it might fit some agendas to paint the picture that way. And I am no fan of RSPB.
  21. We have something similar here with Tesco. Stalham is always dearer than, for instance, the store at Blue Boar. The reason, apparently, is that the planning approval for the Stalham store took steps to ensure that a couple of local garages would not be forced out of business.
  22. With the greatest respect JM I see no merit in bringing that up again and I am sure many that live in the area that was allegedly (but never really was) under threat would feel the same.
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