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Everything posted by Dan

  1. Evening all, I noticed that in a reply on another thread there was mention that the ownership at Faircraft Loynes etc had changed. Is this correct/who has bought them if so? Dan
  2. Just seen a rather smart 34ft Sedan on Apolloduck, still.... to say it is reflected in the price would be an understatement! http://www.apolloduck.co.uk/feature.phtml?id=85662 Dan
  3. Hi Perry for the link, looks a fair starting price, wobder what the hull's like. I was disappointed the link in the description didn't work - I was hoping to find a whole raft of Richardsons boats for sale to drool over? Wonder why they've put this one on ebay with having so many others - is it the first of a line or is there something wrong with it?! Dan
  4. Hi Jim I've never directly researched Bounty, but from my website about the Caribbean and my general interest I do seem to have picked up a lot of knowledge on them over the years, and the Bounty site does have some interesting information, and I added some pictures there, though the main content seems to have been unchanged for all the time I've known it, and centres on the 1970's/1980's from what I can tell with little to no info on the later models. Somehow I don't mind this as I guess this is the era of most interest. I wonder what Bounty's first boat would have looked like if it wasn't a copy/inspired from Wild's Caribbean, crazy to think they may not have even existed or started producing if Frank Wilds had sold them the moulding tools for them to make their own. Bounty does come up a bit on my Caribbean site http://www.fbwilds.horning.org.uk and my general site http://www.dhorner.horning.org.uk if you were interested or hadn't visited before Dan
  5. A few families really!! Two couples, 1 child and two singletons..... it's not impossible the current two spare berths will get filled yet! Me and my friends booked a weekend in 2005 and since then they've wanted to go every year, the last two years we've had another friend come and now another this year. Admittedly we are all very good friends, but I really love how everyone loves it as boating is such a big part of me it's nice to share it with them, we really do have a great time! We've booked an even bigger monster next year - eleven of us out on Fair Empress, my first time with Faircraft Loynes! Dan P.S. You see... it isn't always Richardsons!
  6. Hi Simon Very true. Bounty did make a wide range, one of my favourites being their "Traveller" model - the 34ft Sedan. I honestly am not sure why they closed, I'd be interested if anyone had an opinion as I'm pretty sure it was not due to lack of performance/sales, so I guess its more to do with bad business/management which is a great shame. These floating caravans are not my favourite either (despite having a great interest in them), but we often choose them for the reason you state - they can't be beaten for comfortable spacious living - ideal in this case with lots of different couples plus child, and the forward well means that those wishing to fish can do so easily.... never has a design met its design brief so closely I think! I can see me booking one again next year to help our ageing pooch plod about easily with their single level design. Not sure I'd be buying this style though but great holiday boats, especially for those not really there for the boat part of the holiday..... All the best Dan
  7. Hi Jonny Just us two by the look of it! :-D They did make a great range of different boats over the years, a shame they're not still going strong. Roll on the boating fun Dan
  8. Hi Folks I thought I would share with you all a picture of theboat i've booked for our next Broadland trip, albeit a few months off, a Bounty 44, and see if it made anyone else break into a big grin?!! Can't wait! Dan
  9. Hi Joe I too like to see the internal pictures, even though I have a fair idea what all the boats are like. Companies do seem to have moved forward a little on internal pictures but I think much more could be done here, and if they are clean most picture quite well anyway, I think it would improve confidence for holidaymakers when choosing, and be a good advantage at the moment if fleets had a picture of each class interior, where other fleets don't. I always try and get inside a few hireboats whilst i'm over as most yards (certainly Herbert Woods, Faircraft, Richardsons & Horizon Craft anyway) are only too happy for you to go onboard. I have just booked "Supreme" from Richardsons so am very excited as I thought I was not getting over again this year, though I have to wait until October for it. She is very smart inside as has been newly refitted this year from floorboards up! So like a new boat at the price of an old one! Dan
  10. If it it's your first trip I'm sure you'll enjoy her anyway, and they do look very smart. They are very compact so a lot may depend on the weather. If it's nice you'' both love being out in the cockpit and the boat will do everything you want, and they do look lovely. The lack of the side walkway is a bit of a pain I would guess, though as you've not been before it may be less of a problem as you won't appreciate the difference! If you struggle trailing the rope outstretched along the roof towards the aft deck should help, if the rope's long enough you may then be able to step off the rear with it in your hand. There's no totally perfect design really... we had an aft cockpit April '07 and loved it as the sun was out and we were there out getting the benefit, April '08 same style again and we wished we'd booked a floaty caravan style as it was miserable and we'd have been more comfortable! When you end your holiday see if you can look inside a few other craft there - it's often a good idea so you can choose next time, and much easier to immediately see the benefits/disadvantages of all the different styles Have a great holiday! Dan
  11. Barnes Brinkcraft have bought Moores, but as all the advertising/brochures and bookings have been running as Moores they now appear on Hoseasons as Moores, Operated by Barnes Brinkcraft. I think that the (Moores) name must disappear at the end of the season as my understanding is the name is not a part of the sale, though I could be wrong. I will be interested to see whether all the Go Boating & Moores Boats are being sold at the end of the season or if some will be renamed and marked under the Barnes Brinkcraft name for next year. I'd be quite sad to see another fair number of hireboats get 'lost' from the todays hire choice. Dan
  12. That would explain why neither Blakes or Hoseasons logos have been put on the Moores craft which the previous report of them not changing hands until the end of the season didn't Dan
  13. I'm disappointed to here of this, because Barnes Brinkcraft do seem to do little incredibly well. In my opinion they are a very average fleet at very high prices (compared to other Hoseasons fleets) and that's a disappointining combination. so I'm sorry to see a fleet with a generally good reputation being bought by them, though our experience of them in 2007 made me decide not to give them my money again, a shame as they were very good when we used them in 2005 (sister operation GoBoating). At the same time I'm quite pleased if Moores are finishing that the fleet isn't just being sold into private hands as has happened so frequently over the last 5-10 years as fleets have closed. I wonder how the prices for the same Moores craft will be next year, as BB always seem pricey when you do a comparison. It will also be unusual to see the cream boats not being from Moores, but I guess times change, they don't appear to have been booking very well for some time compared to many other yardsa of similar size (Summercraft, Royalls etc), maybe they've not moved forward well enough in comparison to how these two yards have. Anyway, enough of my ramblings.... Dan
  14. Brilliant, for posting the pictures. Can't wait for next months holiday - hopefully the first one will be out on hire by then! All the best Dan
  15. Thinking on.. I think you'd really enjoy my website on "floating bathtubs"! http://www.fbwilds.horning.org.uk Dan
  16. Just a thought though.... Imagine a scenario..... We're going on holiday with 3 generations, including 2 children, one or more members of the crew who are not so agile on their feet, two dogs in attendance too.... the reality is a "floating bath-tub" is easy to get on/off, at a single level so easy once inside, has a sunken well forward for people to sit out, and for children to sit/play safely, and in view of their parents. This is the design brief a floating bath-tub is designed around, and they do that very well. Of course I like them, as well as liking more 'boaty' looking boats too.... but many of the better looking moulds have either difficult access on/off or steps up/down inside - which is no problem to some but would make a boating holiday out of the question for many - which would be a pity All the best Dan
  17. Hi Folks Trying to pin point my all time favourite is VERY difficult as I have so many I like. On exterior style I too like the AF32's, possibly because when I was a nipper these were quite new & amongst the smartest in the brochures. Having hired one in 2006 the only downside is the aft bed is under a deck, as otherwise, and on paper the layout looks ideal. The saloon is certainly very well designed and quite sociable. I also like the Westward 38's, Tamar Bridge is the only one still on hire I can think of, but its a bit too yellow for me. Finally, all the classic moulds like Calypso (e.g Serene Gem - now amazing value for money for the space you get), Caribbean and the Bounty's (Bounty 34 Sedan/Traveller (like Melody from Richardsons) are also firm favourites, possibly because the sheer number that were built seems interesting/exciting to me! As someone who likes looking back in time as well as forwards I guess an all time favourite probably would be from the FB Wilds Caribbean style range We have a Bounty Elysian 27 booked next, so we will see how that goes! Dan
  18. Hi Sue Sounds like you had a super holiday, but I was wondering if you were happy with Richardsons & the boat you hired - good value for what you paid? etc I've always liked the layout of 3 doubles on Emerald', but not so sure on all that green paint Great tale Dan
  19. Hi Folks Whilst perusing the Blakes brochure last night I see Sanderson's now have Sand Star, similar to Sand Dart but with different layout, I'm guessing she's ex Dancing Light from Herbert Woods - anyone know? The last few holidays I've thought the Sanderson craft look very smart on the outside, well painted etc, nice to see they seem to be doing well enough to add another boat. Anyone any experience of them? Dan
  20. Well hoorah, my copy was waiting for me when I got home last night. It certainly does seem a big improvement over recent years, with several new photos as James says, especially for the Broads fleets, which are some of the better looking pages I thought. It didn't look to me like a brochure that was going to be the last year, as rumoured elsewhere but I guess we will have to wait and see All the best Dan
  21. Good to hear they've ginally improved it a bit James - look forward to seeing it. Do Highcraft have many/any different craft, noticed the odd one for sale, and with new owners and all that was wondering Dan
  22. Well I have heard a rumour that at least one member here has recieved the 2008 Blakes brochure, but I am still sat here waiting, rather impatiently for mine! Has everyone else got theirs? Have they banned me or something?!! Dan
  23. Whoopsie.. just noticed this is where we should add our Broads pictures, sorry folks, still finding my way round the site
  24. Hmm.... a boat owner booking a hireboat?? The plot thickens! Dan
  25. Dan

    San Evita

    Hi Jonny The class number is normally on the confirmation paperwork - it will say something like Unit number or something similar. If the confirmations not through yet just let me know when it lands - possibly a few weeks away as a 2008 holiday All the best Dan
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