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Everything posted by Dan

  1. Barnes Brinkcraft have bought Moores, but as all the advertising/brochures and bookings have been running as Moores they now appear on Hoseasons as Moores, Operated by Barnes Brinkcraft. I think that the (Moores) name must disappear at the end of the season as my understanding is the name is not a part of the sale, though I could be wrong. I will be interested to see whether all the Go Boating & Moores Boats are being sold at the end of the season or if some will be renamed and marked under the Barnes Brinkcraft name for next year. I'd be quite sad to see another fair number of hireboats get 'lost' from the todays hire choice. Dan
  2. That would explain why neither Blakes or Hoseasons logos have been put on the Moores craft which the previous report of them not changing hands until the end of the season didn't Dan
  3. I'm disappointed to here of this, because Barnes Brinkcraft do seem to do little incredibly well. In my opinion they are a very average fleet at very high prices (compared to other Hoseasons fleets) and that's a disappointining combination. so I'm sorry to see a fleet with a generally good reputation being bought by them, though our experience of them in 2007 made me decide not to give them my money again, a shame as they were very good when we used them in 2005 (sister operation GoBoating). At the same time I'm quite pleased if Moores are finishing that the fleet isn't just being sold into private hands as has happened so frequently over the last 5-10 years as fleets have closed. I wonder how the prices for the same Moores craft will be next year, as BB always seem pricey when you do a comparison. It will also be unusual to see the cream boats not being from Moores, but I guess times change, they don't appear to have been booking very well for some time compared to many other yardsa of similar size (Summercraft, Royalls etc), maybe they've not moved forward well enough in comparison to how these two yards have. Anyway, enough of my ramblings.... Dan
  4. Brilliant, for posting the pictures. Can't wait for next months holiday - hopefully the first one will be out on hire by then! All the best Dan
  5. Thinking on.. I think you'd really enjoy my website on "floating bathtubs"! http://www.fbwilds.horning.org.uk Dan
  6. Just a thought though.... Imagine a scenario..... We're going on holiday with 3 generations, including 2 children, one or more members of the crew who are not so agile on their feet, two dogs in attendance too.... the reality is a "floating bath-tub" is easy to get on/off, at a single level so easy once inside, has a sunken well forward for people to sit out, and for children to sit/play safely, and in view of their parents. This is the design brief a floating bath-tub is designed around, and they do that very well. Of course I like them, as well as liking more 'boaty' looking boats too.... but many of the better looking moulds have either difficult access on/off or steps up/down inside - which is no problem to some but would make a boating holiday out of the question for many - which would be a pity All the best Dan
  7. Hi Folks Trying to pin point my all time favourite is VERY difficult as I have so many I like. On exterior style I too like the AF32's, possibly because when I was a nipper these were quite new & amongst the smartest in the brochures. Having hired one in 2006 the only downside is the aft bed is under a deck, as otherwise, and on paper the layout looks ideal. The saloon is certainly very well designed and quite sociable. I also like the Westward 38's, Tamar Bridge is the only one still on hire I can think of, but its a bit too yellow for me. Finally, all the classic moulds like Calypso (e.g Serene Gem - now amazing value for money for the space you get), Caribbean and the Bounty's (Bounty 34 Sedan/Traveller (like Melody from Richardsons) are also firm favourites, possibly because the sheer number that were built seems interesting/exciting to me! As someone who likes looking back in time as well as forwards I guess an all time favourite probably would be from the FB Wilds Caribbean style range We have a Bounty Elysian 27 booked next, so we will see how that goes! Dan
  8. Hi Sue Sounds like you had a super holiday, but I was wondering if you were happy with Richardsons & the boat you hired - good value for what you paid? etc I've always liked the layout of 3 doubles on Emerald', but not so sure on all that green paint Great tale Dan
  9. Hi Folks Whilst perusing the Blakes brochure last night I see Sanderson's now have Sand Star, similar to Sand Dart but with different layout, I'm guessing she's ex Dancing Light from Herbert Woods - anyone know? The last few holidays I've thought the Sanderson craft look very smart on the outside, well painted etc, nice to see they seem to be doing well enough to add another boat. Anyone any experience of them? Dan
  10. Well hoorah, my copy was waiting for me when I got home last night. It certainly does seem a big improvement over recent years, with several new photos as James says, especially for the Broads fleets, which are some of the better looking pages I thought. It didn't look to me like a brochure that was going to be the last year, as rumoured elsewhere but I guess we will have to wait and see All the best Dan
  11. Good to hear they've ginally improved it a bit James - look forward to seeing it. Do Highcraft have many/any different craft, noticed the odd one for sale, and with new owners and all that was wondering Dan
  12. Well I have heard a rumour that at least one member here has recieved the 2008 Blakes brochure, but I am still sat here waiting, rather impatiently for mine! Has everyone else got theirs? Have they banned me or something?!! Dan
  13. Whoopsie.. just noticed this is where we should add our Broads pictures, sorry folks, still finding my way round the site
  14. Hmm.... a boat owner booking a hireboat?? The plot thickens! Dan
  15. Dan

    San Evita

    Hi Jonny The class number is normally on the confirmation paperwork - it will say something like Unit number or something similar. If the confirmations not through yet just let me know when it lands - possibly a few weeks away as a 2008 holiday All the best Dan
  16. Hello Sue I was a bit concerned that we met get blocked because of the bridge, and unable to go far. A few emails with John but my mind at rest. The width & height of Grey Goose makes her the best in the fleet for it apparantly, and knowing we want to cruise mostly the far side of it it seems they keep an eye on how things are and take her through earlier & we start the other side of it if necessary, or in really extreme cases they would even transfer me to another fleet, but this apparantly is very rare. John at Whispering Reeds seemed to think number 4 was the less tired of the interiors on this class, so we decided to follow his advice, though number 4 does have the more classic layout than Grey Goose 2 & 3 All the best Dan
  17. Hi Everyone With some of the new brochures out and the 2007 season over I wondered if anyone had got booked for '08. We've booked four days on Grey Goose 4 from Whispering Reeds. They did us a good deal, especially important with lots happening next year, and I've heard lots of praise for their staff so hope to have a good time. Another bonus is it will be our first time the far side of Potter Heigham, and I;m also looking forward to the experience of being piloted under the bridge Shame it's another 6 months away, but you can't have everything I guess! Dan
  18. Dan

    San Evita

    fingers crossed this works....
  19. Dan

    San Evita

    Hi Jonny, here is one of San Evita 2 from this year. The others in class are green - so this one may have been changed to for 2008 possibly Oh bugger - how do I upload a picture?! Dan
  20. Dan

    San Evita

    Hi Jonny Never hired one, but one negative is there is no aft access, so you must walk along the gunwhales to enter in the forward saloon. Of course the side decks are fairly wide so this is no major problem unless it's raining, really windy etc etc. I'm also not convinced it's the most beautiful looking of boats, but I guess that's in the eye of the beholder & not overly important to holiday enjoyment anyway! The mould is quite spacious, with the sleeping accommodation being quite spacious/private - with two en-suites I'll see what I can un-earth on the picture front - do you know which number in the class she has booked? Dan
  21. Dan

    San Elena

    Hi Jonny When I get my albums unpacked (we're ready to move very soon) I may do just that.... it would be quite a short list though! There's definately an illusive few though! Dan
  22. Hello Ian That is interesting, I will keep an eye on the site over the next few weeks to see. Swan Radiance has left Swancraft for 2008, so I guess this could be the boat, though one of the 23ft sports Bounty's still with its previous name of Swan Rapier on (from a few years back with Swancraft) was sold through NYA recently believe - so could it perhaps be either? Personally I don't really like sleeping under decks as I feel a bit trapped, a shame as they are lovely looking boats Dan
  23. Dan

    San Elena

    I had a look at my hireboat photos (Indeed I am a bit of an anorak and have a room full of albums!! ) but oddly it seems San Elena also escapes my lense a lot too. Even stranger is its clear I see San Diego all the time too! I always find that there's one or two boats that we see nearly all the time whilst out on holiday. I'm forever getting my camera out only to find its the same boat in a class that I've already got about 20 times that holiday! Still... it would be nice to have chance to see some Norfolk boats again.... I have to last out until April now. Arrgh Dan
  24. Hi Simon Yes, I have been thinking of hiring from Summercraft for several years but for one reason or another (often availability!) I have never quite got to them. In truth I preferred their colours about five years ago when they were white with blue & yellow stripes, rather than the newer sky blue side stripes too... but they always look first class and like new. I had a look at the site. Like you say shame they don't include some internals, as those in the Hoseasons brochure are definately worth showing off. Nice to see they do have a web presence now though. Perhaps they might add in some internal photos and a price list before too long. Also... seeing what they are including for free (1 pet, car parking etc etc) from the Hoseasons brochure 2008 that would definately be worth promoting. Perhaps any web designers out there should email them - it looks like norfolkbroads.com has knocked together their current pages together for them, but not gone overboard on making it tick all the boxes Dan
  25. Noticed that they now have a clear internal picture or two on their website now - quite a neat little site, does pretty much everything you need it to. Shame the external pictures under-represent them a little. http://www.pacificcruisers.co.uk Nice to see a little company keeping up Dan
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