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Posts posted by Happy

  1. 10 minutes ago, CeePee1952 said:

    Just out of curiosity, when was the £2 charge for water introduced at Ranworth staithe?  We topped up there last year in October and didn't pay for it :default_icon_e_confused:

    We've recently booked a 13 night cruise holiday on Princess Royal, Auckland to Sydney then back to go around the South and North islands with stops at some ports along the way. Deluxe balcony suite booked with guaranteed sea view, return flight Heathrow - Honk Kong - Auckland.  All in all, a very good price and in reality not that much more than if we booked a top end boat on the Broads for two weeks in the height of the season!


    More 'disposable' than me then - maybe I should have saved some when I was younger!?

    • Like 1
  2. 21 minutes ago, Gracie said:

    I couldn't log on this morning, I kept getting a message saying there was an error and to try again. Was there an upgrade or some such?

    I've just got home and all is well again. So you now know the reason I've been quiet, sorry guys, I'm back and quiet no more :default_biggrin: x

    :default_coat:  Yes.  I thought you had gone quiet too - just knew there was a forum problem. :default_rolleyes:

    • Haha 1
  3. 14 minutes ago, Islander said:

    Won’t be going there then. I feel sorry for those trying to have a holiday on a budget.


    :default_drinks:  There are other pubs available - thankfully.

    • Like 3
  4. 1 minute ago, addicted said:

    Was just browsing L.H. Jones brokerage list and spotted what I am fairly sure is our old  Sheerline 950.  The change of upholstery, name etc.,  fooled me at first.  It's nice  to see her in good order. she is sold , so  someone is in for some enjoyable boating. When we owned her she was called Hot Gossip and  she is now called Saturday's Child.  I wish her new owner joy.




    I often look at brokerage sites to see if any of my old boats are listed.  Have not found any yet so assume people must be enjoying them - just as we did

    • Like 2
  5. 45 minutes ago, NeilB said:

    Had a voicemail from my car dealer asking me to call back, got all excited thinking my new car was ready at last after waiting over a year.  Nope!  I'll be having the first of the 2024 model year cars, ETA is now end of June and I needed to choose a new colour as the "free" black was no longer free.  Only free option is "vapour grey" which means it will be hard to find if we get any fog!

    As it's a company car I refuse to pay for any extras due to BIK tax so grey it is then, current car is black so I spose it will be a change.  


    :default_icon_wave:  Hi.  I thought you worked for Volvo?  I know its Marine Division but thought you would be getting a special deal?! 

  6. 5 hours ago, Gracie said:

    It's freezing and hailstones where I am Alan

    Looks like you're having a lovely time Liz and staying at a Vineyard too, how lovely. I think I would have to sample some of the produce, I wouldn't be swirling it around and spitting in a bucket either :default_biggrin:

    Have fun :default_icon_kiss:

    :default_icon_wave:  Hi Gracie.  Are you sure you are not getting a lush? :default_beerchug:

    • Haha 1
  7. 1 minute ago, NorfolkNog said:

    Stunning sunset at Thurne 

    Back tomorrow :default_crying1animated:


    Worst part of the holiday to come then?  I am sure you will both be back soon?  Good read.  Thanks.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 6 minutes ago, gancanny said:

    it could be the grebe,   a basic sort of pub where you can spit on the floor and break wind and no one will notice. :default_gbxhmm:


     not on the same scale as lathams or roys but there is the factory shop in the high street

    Thats the reason I prefer the swan.  And the tatood girls too. :default_beerchug:

    • Haha 1
  9. 34 minutes ago, NorfolkNog said:

    Safely tucked up at Stalham Staithe. Raining but that won't put Mrs Nog off her tat! 


    Got to be The Swan then?  Good food and booze imho.  My 'local' when staying there.

    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, Smoggy said:

    If you like a good walk head up the hill out of beccles to the butchers arms (about a mile from yacht station) a proper pub.

    Love drinking but don't like walking much.  However we are actually staying near Beccles and will have the car so no probs.

    She drives, I drink!  Are they dog friendly?  Thanks

    • Like 2
  11. 5 minutes ago, NorfolkNog said:

    No don't go in the pub, Caxton Club is down Gaol Lane opposite the Tesco :default_biggrin:

    :default_beerchug:   Do you have to be a member to use the Caxton club and do you know if it it dog friendly?  Thanks.  Planning ahead!

  12. 41 minutes ago, Gracie said:

    Things can happen and like some dog owners there are parents who don't act responsibly but please don't tar everyone with the same brush. Why should families with young children not be in a pub for a meal because of a few unreasonable people.

    My children have regular meals in pubs, they have done from an early age.They have been taught how to behave in public at an early age too.

    I do believe my children will use pubs responsibly and with respect in the future as a result. 

    If they don't they will have me to deal with :default_biggrin: x

    Gracie.  I am sure your children are old enough to have respect for others.  My comment was regarding children that are a lot younger and need parental guidence.:default_icon_bowdown:

    • Like 1
  13. 17 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

    Oh dear, this evenings incident looks like leading me into more troubled waters. I feel obligated to continue anyway.

    This is not what happened, but please indulge me for the moment.

    Imagine you and your family are in a family/dog friendly pub. You are all eating when someone walks in with a puppy and sits near you. Sadly after a few minutes, the puppy produces a small brown present complete with it's distinctive odour. Although the owner clears up the mess, he makes no apology and just carries on eating his own food.

    How do you feel about this and would you say anything.

    If I had been the owner of the puppy, I would be apologizing profusely and would almost certainly pay the bill for your family's meal.

    As I said, this was not what happened, in fact, what happened to me this evening was, for me, somewhat worse.

    I was sitting having a meal in a pub when a family sat at a table next to me. The youngest child was placed in a highchair. After a few minutes the child suffered what I've heard called, a poonami. The family were not unaware of this, I could tell from their comments. 

    However, apology came there none, and when I turned to face them the look I received was very much a "Who do you think you are?"

    I left the pub not having finished my meal.

    Am I being unreasonable to suggest a child of that age should not have been in the pub in the first place?


    :default_badday:  What is up with these people?  They would have been aware of the risks and asked to be seated where, should this happen, it would not affect someone out to enjoy himself.  However from their reaction, what could you expect?

    Want to meet up and have a (lots) of beer with you but can we go somewhere else!?

    • Like 1
  14. 2 hours ago, addicted said:

    Went to the boat  today just to give her a quick check over to make sure the tube heater we installed a while back had done it's job without racking up a colossal electricity bill. All seems to be o.k. So off to lunch.  We went to Horning. The convenient Ferry Inn  where we enjoyed an excellent lunch on New Years Day was still closed for  refurbishment sadly so  against our better judgement we went to the New Inn. If I relate how  it was accurately and truthfully I'll incur the  attention  of  the peskies so I'll leave it to your imagination and just add  NEVER AGAIN! However  to be fair I can say that the service was very friendly.



    If it was that bad did you complain and what was the response?  Only fair to ask so that we know what the problems are.

    • Like 1
  15. :default_badday:  My son and his partner run our local village pub (nearly five years now) and when covid struck all their

    workforce were put on furlow.  However, when it was time to re-open the pub the manager refused to come back to work and has not worked anywhere since and he was at least 15 years before retirement age!

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