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Posts posted by Happy

  1. 1 hour ago, webntweb said:

    I had a Sunbeam Stiletto (Imp variant) for about 10 years and remember having the overheating problem with the blocked radiator core.

    Apart from that I can't remember having any trouble with that engine.

    The engines mentioned in the Seamaster advert are probably KF4s.

    I had a Stilletto from brand new.  Brilliant little motor but suffered from overheating within about 3 months from purchase. The main dealer could not sort it (it was one of the first) so part exed it for a VX 4.90 when it was about 9 months old!


    • Like 1
  2. 24 minutes ago, NeilB said:

    After a few weeks of back and forth, survey etc I'm now the owner of an Alpha Craft 42 centre cockpit.  Needs a few things doing so managed to knock a reasonable amount of the asking price but nothing major. 

    Up on Thursday for a good rummage around and already planning on what else I can waste my money on boat wise.

    :default_biggrin: 'Photos please.  You know most of us are nosey b.....s'!

    • Like 1
  3. 12 minutes ago, andyg said:

    Hi guys, apart from the yacht station are there any moorings below the bridge in Beccles, IE a pub etc, but still in the village. We are on a week's cruise in May and I've decided to concentrate on the southen rivers. We've done the the northern network to death the last few years and I wouldn't say its getting boring. But a change wouldn't hurt. Loddon is on my list along with a visit to the new Inn at Rockland. There's a curry house in Norwich we want to re visit, so an overnight at commissioner cut will be had. I'm gonna give Oulton broad a miss as I've never really enjoyed an overnight stop. Any other nice overnight stops you could think might be worth a go I'd appreciate the heads up. Thanks 👌 

    :default_beerchug:  Will you be able to get under the bridge?  Moorings at the swimming pool and further on to the Locks pub.  Enjoy.

  4. 10 hours ago, SILVERLIGHT said:

    Hi everyone,

    Bit of a long shot but I am looking to purchase a Sealine S24 if you know of any for sale or are considering selling in the near future.

    Cash waiting for the right boat.

    Thank you in advance!


    :default_biggrin:  If you Google S24 Sealine there are a lot for sale on there!

    • Like 1
  5. 11 minutes ago, grendel said:

    the best advice I can give is dont panic, dont be too afraid, and take things slowly. all of us had a first time, so thats nothing new.

    reverse is your brakes.

    when coming into a mooring note the tide direction and wind direction, you want to be heading into the tide,  (and for preference the wind too)this way you can keep some revs on and approach as slowly as you like, if you go with the tide, it will carry you forward when you want to stop.

    accept help from others, and try and follow their advice, if you are mooring at great Yarmouth or Reedham during the season there are broads rangers there who will talk you in to a mooring.

    its always easier to reverse out, keep a bow rope ashore (I usually throw a loop round a post and back to the boat,)  and a bit of forward steering towards the quay heading will kick the stern out, release the rope, and reverse into the middle of the river, you now have all the space you need to manouver.

     boats steer from the back, so when turning, keep an eye on what the back of the boat is doing, are you close to another boat, will it swing into them are things you should consider.

    :default_blink: "its always easier to reverse out"  That depends on what way the tide is running, surely

  6. 1 minute ago, petersjoy said:

    Yes still there and still too busy.

    Hi.  Good to see you are still there.  Keep enjoying your'e boat - I still miss ours, but to be honest have to admit selling was a sensble decision - age, distance etc, but still hire occassionaly.  Just cannot get it out of the system after 50+ years or more!!

    • Like 2
  7. 7 minutes ago, craigmc67 said:

    That’s a nice spot can he pull you out of the water there and put you under cover for repairs if needed?

    We had our Seamaster 30 at Derby's Quay for a number of years before we reluctantly gave up boating.  Yard has a slipway and Steve very helpful (if still there?)  What boat have you got?

    • Like 2
  8. 10 minutes ago, Victoryv said:

    Griff, I would consider some form of extended warranty, it is an Audi after all.

    Both Audis I owned made me cry.

    I had an Audi A4 estate and covered 80,000 miles in 3.5 years and never had a problem

  9. We went when I believe it first became popular for hiring.  I think the yard was 'Carrick on Star line' which I think had a tie up with Guiness (due to the cans given to us when getting obn board!  Problem is now that my (then) wife was expecting our first son Mark, Who is now 50 years old!  So the memory is now a bit distant.   I am sure the boat was a new Broom Skipper.  It was a bit of a shock after the 'Broads' and greater care was neccessary.  I am sure we had a great time.

  10. 7 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

    In line with forum Tos no names, no pack drill but I have to vent my spleen on what must be the most stupid thing I have ever had the misfortune to witness.

    I was travelling from Upton dyke towards the Thurne.when,coming towards me were two large, oldish hire boats. They were punching the tidebut were still doing 6mph+ It looked to me that one boat was trying to overtake the other. As the overtaking boat was half way to being alongside the other, I wondered why they were so close to each other.

    They were no more than 3 or 4 feet apart. The reason for this was made clear when a man from the overtaking boat jumped to the boat being overtaken. He was carrying something under one arm leaving just the other to grab the hand rail.

    Having made this ridiculous feat he put down the thing he had carried across. I was a toddler about two years of age.

    Amazing stupidity or what!


    It never fails to amaze me how stupid some people are.

  11. On 11/07/2021 at 11:59, BroadAmbition said:

    It never ceases to surprise me how many 'Mates' I have when they know I have a van and access to a trailer




    BA NBN 1008.jpg

    :default_dunce:  Up until recently we have always owned a van of some sort or other and over the years its amazing how many 'mates' have either borrowed them or asked us to collect something, in fact, thinking back they used them more than us.   I bought a used mini tractor which I had to collect from Suffolk. Guess what - van hire charge of £80.  Where are these mates when you need them!?  :facepalm:

    • Sad 1
  12. 16 minutes ago, BigA said:

    thought i would say hi, new to forum and boat ownership after a number of holidays on the Broads. Lets hope we have made the right decision after taking the plunge. 


    Hi.  Welcome.  Nice little Birchwood.  Hope its Diesel on shaft?  Have fun and stay safe.

  13. Richard from Snuggtopz made a new cover for our Seamaster 30 some years ago and actually suggested some differences to the original that were good.  He also repaired the old cover to use for winter lay ups and delivered it back to us whilst we were moored at a pub in the soutjh.  Now thats what you call service!

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