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Posts posted by loribear

  1. :wave for me, it's the chilhood memories, my mum used to love going on the broads & i used to love going too, & ive still got the bug after all these years, i just can't wait to get down there again, hearing the ducks laughing & other wildlife too meeting the friendly norfolk people & getting all that fresh air , & just simply being on a boat & that feeling that says i'm afloat, & when you get on dry land & you can feel yourself rocking, i love it, lori :Stinky

    • Like 8
  2. I pinched this video from utube, i liked it because it was the same month & the same year as i was born , it was lovely seeing all those old wooden boats on the broads ,but the thing that interested me was the chinese boat going down the river,near the end of the vid , i had to watch it twice as i thought i was seeing things.lori

    • Like 5
  3. That looked a really bad accidental wedge, it's a good job they had a toilet on board, i bet they needed it lol, i too always hire high roofed boats, am hiring princess2 this year, but am always very cautious when i get to bridges, ESPECIALLY at yarmouth, i ALWAYS make sure the tides right down before i even attempt to go through it. Lori smilie_girl_205.gif

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  4. We had quite a noisy Christmas , for the first day it was all eddie stobart dvds & eddie stobart cds playing, then on the second day it was ice road truckers dvds , followed by top gear on dvds arrrgh, & it was on the telly too. Grrrr lol, but we had enough chocolate to fill a bloomin battleship haha, oh & ontop of that the kitten kept having a mad half hour, & everytime anybody walked past the chairs , they would get attacked lol, but apart from that it was'nt too bad. SternCheers.gif lori

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  5. Here's a little Christmas poem for you all, i'm sure you've all been there & wished you had'nt  lol.


                                                              CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS



                                                   Christmas shoppers spending money

                                                   standing queueing not very funny ,

                                                   people pushing in the shops

                                                   all day long it never stops ,

                                                   hungry children rumbling tummies

                                                   losing patience tired mummies ,

                                                   need a cafe need a seat

                                                   time to rest those tired feet ,

                                                   christmas shopping what a strain

                                                   too much hassle never again.


     well that's what we usually say is'nt it ? lol  think i'll make the husband do it next year lol.   lori  ice slice

    Ive moved lines back, hope that solves problem.

  6.  Here's a little Christmas poem for you all, i'm sure you've all been there & wished you had'nt  lol.


                                                              CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS



                                                       Christmas shoppers spending money

                                                       standing queueing not very funny ,

                                                       people pushing in the shops

                                                       all day long it never stops ,

                                                       hungry children rumbling tummies

                                                       losing patience tired mummies ,

                                                       need a cafe need a seat

                                                       time to rest those tired feet ,

                                                       christmas shopping what a strain

                                                       too much hassle never again.


     well that's what we usually say is'nt it ? lol  think i'll make the husband do it next year lol.   lori  ice slice

    • Like 3
  7. Hi all wd went down to sawley to the plank & leggit pub for lunch & popped into the marina next door, just looking at boats for sale, as you do lol, & look what we saw , a sea otter lol, it looked quite a nice little barge, but not my thing lol, & look what else we saw, post-296-0-03373400-1416935480_thumb.jpg an alphacraft boat for sale too, not a bad price either at£29.000 , not sure how he got it up to sawley though , the lock down the river both ways is on the narrow side, lori


  8. :wave evening all ,my husbands workmate has found himself a new dickiebird, & he says that she's got a centre cockpit boat called sea otter, a 42footer he says , ive had a look on google but all i can find in that name is barges, has there been other boats that was called that ,i think he said she's got it on the coventry canal,  lori    :Stinky

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