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Posts posted by loribear

  1. smilie_girl_205.gif hi jan , i agree with everyone else, i would not swim in the broads, you don't know what's below the water level, a relative of ours years ago dived into the water on one of the broads & gashed his leg quite badly & had to go to hospital, luckily my mum was a nurse & knew what to do, it can be quite a dangerous place to swim, & NO i definitely would'nt swim in the broads, lori
  2. :wave hi all princess anne is coming because it's been 60 years since herbert woods passed away, so they are having a heritage day,& have invited some of the old woods boats, so keep an eye out on the webcam.been looking on myself today & saw a rover75 car on the quay exactly same as ours, & same colour too lol, but NO it's not us there, but i wish i was. lori   :Stinky

  3. smilie_girl_205.gif hi all , i was looking on pintrest at houseboats & i found the perfect one for me, just handy for the broads for when it floods lol. & i also found another one which is abroad & it actually moves lol. What do you guys & gals think ? Lori


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  4. i had a few teething problems with my bank  because i got hacked, many years ago, & went into the bank to order another card as i did'nt feel safe using the one i had at the time, i think i got hacked at one of these stand alone machines, anyway i went into the bank & talked to one of the staff, & was shocked to hear her say that she used the password for all her stuff online, which to me did'nt sound good for someone working in a bank, i'd have thought she'd had more sense than that,  lori

  5. :wave  hi all, ive been using ebay for some years now, & never really had any problems with them, you can whatever you're looking for, as long as you're patient lol,  i can never seem to find what i want from amazon, as they seem to deal more with books than anything else & i don't EVER use gumtree, my sister was ripped off with them, as she sent some stuff to someone in nigeria, & t ,hat's a definitely a no no in my book, so i don't touch them,   :norty:  lori 

  6. smilie_girl_205.gif hi diesel falcon, it's really good news at last, i see caroline was at the front with her pinny on bless her, well done to everyone at loddon, & everyone who signed the forms, thats one cause that was well worth it. Lori wave.gif
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  7. smilie_girl_205.gif hi all , well my hubbys bad day just beat mine lol, he went out to get some car parts from a breakers yard , & set the satnav as it was in another town, & the satnav did"nt help much as IT could'nt find it either, so neil took a few detours & still could'nt find it , anyway , the satnav had an american voice on it, & it decided to have a tantrum, it said, & your not going to believe this but it's true, it said'.... if you take any more detours i'm going shut off, & it did,rofl.gifrofl.gif lori
  8. :wave  hi andy, there is a quietish little spot where we sometimes go , i think it's postwick viaduct , it's a  little cut off the main river & a nice little spot,  just down from thorpe there's only the trains that'll really disturb you, but it is nice to just watch the boats go up & down,  lori 

  9. :wave  well all ,i had my bad day last night, the bulb went in the dining room & it knocked the trip switch off, so i was in complete darkness, then remembered the torch hanging up in the kitchen, went to get it & the damn thing went dropped on the floor, i could'nt find so tried to find my other torch but it was pitch black, & i could.nt find the matches to light the candles to see with, then i remembered my other torch was in my suitcase in the wardrobe, so went hunting for it tripped up over some shoes & banged my head on the door, finally found the torch & some more lightbulbs,  i told my sister & she just laughed at me & said '  .....  WAIT FOR IT !!!!     you'll have a good laugh at this ,  she said, why did'nt you use your fone,   :roll:  :roll:    erm  derr  ,  becus i'm a plonker   :grin:   :grin:  lol.  lori

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  10. smilie_girl_205.gif i was looking on ebay at badges & saw one or two from different boatyards , like martham & harts & a few others, & i came across this car badge, with a heron on it with broads society on it, & it was quite expensive too,at £120, ouch, was wondering if anyone knew anything about it.lori :-)post-296-0-97489800-1393351561_thumb.jpg
  11. smilie_girl_205.gif hi all, ive heard some of you talking about hamptons, i remember seeing hampton boats years ago in a brochure, i can remember they were a khaki green colour, but did'nt like the colour very much lol, but can't remember which boatyard it was or where , can anybody shed any light on it ? & were they the same hamptons that's been mentioned on here ? Lori :-)
  12. When we last went through wroxham bridge the water was up, & i did'nt think we could do it, we got the bridge & a rangers boat was at the other side &waved us through , but i chickened out & made neil take it through & i could see the ranger laughing at me, but we only had a few inches to spare, & i'm always wary about taking boats through bridges, when it's other peoples property, & i think everybody should, it's just a pity that some of them you see on utube don't, & find it funny, which i don't. I ALWAYS respect other peoples property. Lori

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