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Posts posted by loribear

  1. My hubby's not the romantic type , he says it's waste of money lol, john , ive not seen freesias around for ages , they were my mums favourite flowers , & i can see why, they are so sweet smelling, they're beautiful.lori

  2. :wave  hi all, i too watched that programme, & was amazed with the old couple , especially the husband, he just wanted a house to so that he could take it to pieces, that last house had a beautiful conservatory & yet he wanted to put a horrible box on the back, i just did'nt understand him, the house was plenty big enough for the couple, i just hate it when people just buy a house  or bungalow to destroy, why can't they just live them,  two guns  lori                                                      

  3. Hi mba, thanks for letting me know, ive just finished water under the bridge & the murderer was'nt who i thought it was lol, it had me hooked til the end, looking forwards to reading my next one lol. Lori :-)

  4. smilie_girl_205.gif hi jill & ray, welcome to forum, the broads really is addictive, ive been coming since i was toddler , i now come with my sister & we've coming together for about 14 years, i just can't get enough lol. Lori :-)
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  5. Hi jtf, i'm not sure which order they go in, i just picked the first two up in a book shop in norfolk as they looked a good read , then i ordered the other two as i got hooked lol, lori, ps just call me lori , just don't call me late for dinner smilie_girl_146.gif lol

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  6. Hi grace, yes they're a great read, as i'm in to detectives books & programmes, & i really loved water frolic, it takes you there , & you can almost imagine all the scenes & places & what the people look like. Lori :-)

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  7. smilie_girl_016.gif hi all i'm in the process of reading my 3rd chris crowther book, water under the bridge , but finding it abit slow going, my favourite so far is the water frolick, ive heard that he wrote some other books that were'nt on the broads, & was just wondering if anyone had read any of them & if they were any good. post-296-0-46255500-1389793710_thumb.jpg

    These are the ones ive got so far. Lori ;-)

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  8. smilie_girl_017.gif ive noticed that if i leave my spam alone for a month that i get about 500 a month , then i just go & delete them all, ive had a look in settings but can't find anything to stop them which is a pain, i wish i could ave a different email but i can't with both my gadgets being android, i wish there was a way around it, but google seem to have the monopoly on android stuff just like apple do with their stuff, but i love my samsung note too much to change , i'm too used the big screen now lol. Lori
  9. yes frank i know what you mean, it was freezing in winter in our house, you had to scrape the ice of the inside of the window, & we had no central heating, we only had one gas fire & a parafin heater in the frontroom, & we too had loads of blankets on the bed too to keep warm. lori :-)

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  10. Hi frank, yes that was them, pure heartburn stuff lol, & yes it's true about the bath, you used to have to step up to climb in lol, half our neighbours used to come round to use it as they had'nt got a bath. Trouble is , it used to make my bedroom damp .not nice lol. Lori ;-)

  11. Hahaha, i know what you mean alan, i'm originally from sheffield tha noes, i really hate that accent now lol, i now live in derbyshire, but when we young we suck victory vees to keep warm lol, & our bath was built into a sort of wardrobe in my bedroom, & quite often i used to hear mum come in & half close the doors & light some candles to see with, so that she did'nt wake us up, but i was awake listening to her humming , but did'nt know what can't remember what tune it was lolbad_09.gif lori

  12. smilie_girl_205.gif hi all, i was talking to some friends about the old gas lights on boats & caravans, & i remember hiring a boat with it in & we also had an old sprite major caravan with it in, but did'nt really trust it, i was just curious to know, did any of you either hire a boat or bought one with it in ? & did you trust it ? Lori smiley-eatdrink016.gif
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