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Posts posted by loribear

  1. :D hi carole welcome aboard , i'm sure you'll enjoy it, i too am a hirer & have been hiring boats for about 15 years, ive been with quite a few boat yards over the years . :lol: lori :-)

    Sent from my GT-P5110 using Tapatalk 2

  2. Hello John,

    Loddon a great place to visit and moor and is among my favourite places to visit on the Broads.

    We have yet to sample the Angel and the Swan!

    Do you know what happened to the Robinson's who operated the restaurant at the rear of the Kings Head?



    hi alan & john sorry i'm afraid i don't know what happened to them, ive not been in for a while either, lori :D

    Sent from my GT-P5110 using Tapatalk 2

  3. hi lori

    its good to remind folks not to believe all they read on the likes of facebook


    Hi jill , it may be untrue, but it makes you wonder if you are being charged for the extra fuel as it still keeps coming until you click off, so there still must be some fuel in the pipe from the petrol pump to your car, so it has to go somewhere & thats back into the petrol pump via another tube inside somewhere,lori :D

    Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2

  4. I think my favourite hire boat was the two astons we hired, aston crossbow & longbow, they were so easy to drive & plenty of room on them too, I feel rather sad that they are not around any more. Lori , Posted Image

    sent from my samsung tab2/ on tapatalk2

  5. Sorry but this is just a standard chain letter type message, no more then spam.

    Hi trambo & reedham , I don't know if it is a chain letter , I actually got it from someone on fbook, but even if it is a chIn letter it is still interesting. Lori , :D

    sent from my samsung tab2/ on tapatalk2

  6. :-) it looks a lovely boat, & I'm sure you'll get there in the end , you just need abit of patience, I bet it'll look beautiful when it's finished, good luck with it. Lori ;-)

    sent from my samsung tab2/ on tapatalk2

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  7. Hi julz, i saw the vulcan at east midlands airport when it was at the other side of the airport, & ive been the museum at newark & seen one there, I actually saw one fly over our house a few weeks ago, I thought it was thunder outside at first, then I went out & saw the vulcan flying over, WOW what a beauty, & that roar goes right through your body, she's beautiful, & ive entered the raffle in vulcan to sky, prize raffle, & the 1st prize is a flight in a spitfire in formation with XH558, the 2nd prize is to fly in formation with XH558 in a blades aerobatic aircraft, gulp :lol: the 3rd prize is a harley davidson XL8831 motorcycle, the 4th is a day for 2 with the red arrows RAF display team, brill, & ive actually got my name on the inside of the vulcans bomber doors, wow , :lol: as you've probably guessed I'm a vulcan fan,sorry can't help it , she's so huge & yet so elegant & what a roar , ive also seen an old black & white film when she did a full barrel roll, WOW .:wub: Ok nuff said ,:lol::lol: lori

    sent from my samsung tab2/ on tapatalk2

  8. Hi goodall, just the story you put on, it'very sad when accidents like that happen, especially the carbon monoxide one, all the more reason to put a carbon monoxide alarms in all boats, including hire boats. Lori :-)

  9. You can bet your bottom dollar that if the people who've bought the land lose then they'll probably try another way of stopping people mooring there, by charging to moor there & you can bet it won't be cheap. Sorry to sound like a doom & gloom merchant lol, it's just the way I see it. Lori :-)

  10. :D hi all , ive just read the towpath paper & apparantly vandals have been destroying locks on the 21 lock flight just down from wolverhampton to the staffordshire canal, & it's going to about £80,000 to repair it, so they've had to shut the 21 flight lock til about 12th august, right at the peak time for people holidaying ,i just don't know what these vandals get out of it, they must have a warped sence of humour, i just don't know what they gain from doing this kind of vandalism, :rolleyes: lori :-)

    Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2

  11. :wave  talking to some of my friends, they think it's very expensive on the broads, but I think it depends on which month you go , how many of you are going & what boat you hire, I just can't see the point in going abroad just to sit drinking & reading books like my auntie does, & I just haven't got the patience to sit for an hour in an aiport, I do find it a little expensive for us, because we always hire a big boat & there's only 2 of us, if there were more it would have been cheaper for us, but nobody is as nutty about the broads like me & my sister :grin:  :grin:  because I can't drive a car , :oops:  it gives me chance to drive a boat & I enjoy it, no roundabouts & no traffic lights :lol:  plus I really enjoy being afloat, it's what floats my boat so to speak, plus I have a sentimental thing about it with going to the broads as a child. & seems to something in my blood. lori :Stinky

  12. :wave hi jill I totally agree with you, & also just because you're blonde it doesn't mean that you can get away with it, as I first thought when I went blonde, my scalp actually burnt more being blonde, a lot of people automatically think that being blonde will make the sun reflect off your head, but that's not so, lori :teddy:

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