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Posts posted by loribear

  1. what i hate , is when people remember your little mistakelaugh.gif ie, the harbour master , last year we went to norwich, had a lovely out shopping , came back & decided to have a cuppa then go, anyway, we untied the ropes & set off, got to the harbour masters office & we see him waving at us, so we just waved back , then we hear someone whistling, we turned round & he's shouting at us, you've forgotten to pull your mud weight up, oops smileyvault-shy.gif so my sister went to pull it up, with about half of the rivers reeds with it, & the harbour master said laughing ,at least it won't need dredging this year, anyway, we went up there this year & this guy is the same one there from last year, we started to tie the ropes up & he came over & gave us a hand, then after he'd tied up the ropes he just stood there looking at us, & thought maybe i'd got my jumper on inside out or something, & suddenly said, I remember you two , you were the ones who dredged our river last year were'nt you ? & i said ERM yes lol,smileyvault-shy.gifsmileyvault-shy.gif i really wish they did'nt have such good memories rofl.gif .lori

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  2. I'd kind of been putting it off, but the new software has cost us a few quid and we have to pay a regular license fee so it all helps. Our running costs aren't too bad, but we do need to cover them.

    hi jonzo donation sent, lori smiley-happy088.gif

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  3. hi all, we've stayed at yarmouth quite a few time over the years , but never leave the boat at night, we stayed there a couple of weeks ago overnight & a liad of youths went by singing at 12 am, which kept me awake as i'm a light sleeper & was alert listening for footsteps , as my sister sleeps like the living dead lol , we then usually leave the next day after our shower & go across breydon, i have been to worse places on the canals like stoke, where some kids threw bricks over the bridge which was abit worrying, but we've never had anything happen like that on broads. lori :-)

  4. smilie_girl_205.gif Aah , your welcome flower ,that's great news, ive never been a fan of chrome myself, every time i downloaded it i funmoods came with & i could'nt put anything in searchbox because it took over, i'm glad your sister likes the link, it seems abit better than nl link lol , lori smilie_girl_017.gif
  5. Well as my post wont let me the originator edit it , I will start a new post..   How strange..


    Well done Lori for finding the camera.  I can get it as I have Chrome but hubby is on MSN I think it is and cant.  Is there anything you have to download to get the web cam to show.    He cannot even receive The Waveney Centre web cam either.

    hi hylander , i use opera on both my laptop & phone .lori smiley-happy005.gif

  6. hi robin, lovely blog, we're on our way home sad.gif , we had a really great hols on distant horizon, but i know what you mean about that back bedroom, ive nicknamed it the coffin lol, & it really needs some sort of horn on top steering, the reeds were long goung uo loddon, but you could't warn anybody that you were coming, am feeling really low now, i felt like turning around & going back. lori

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  7. can anybody tell me why there is sometimes water under oulton broad bridge walkway ? sometimes it can be quite deep, it seems to happen regurlary, here's a pic i took from webcam yesterday.post-296-138011761506_thumb.jpg lori :D

    Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2

  8. smilie_girl_205.gif hi all according to towpathtalk paper ,holiday makers have given the broads a big thumbs up on the traveller review site,tripadvisor, the area has won a certificate of excellence which is awarded to attractions that rank in the top 10% worldwide for travellers feedback, NWT hickling broad, broadstours river trips, fineway leisure & wroxham barns also recieved top ratings, which is definitely good news for the broads i think. lori smiley-vault-character-295.gif
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