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Posts posted by loribear

  1. Chrome. Never had this problem before!

    John... Just tried your idea and it works  :bow

    cheers guys  cheersbar

    hi bill, just to let you know that's it's not you , there seems to have been alot of problems with chrome lately even on my fone, ive had problems getting out of chrome sometimes, & it also keeps freezing on me. lori  cheers

  2. Betsy jane river tours just put this video on fbook, & ive just watched it, & i think i stopped breathing for a second lol, ive never seen a boat quite that close to bridge before, but they got under JUST, phew lol. Lori

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  3. Yes coowee, ben is lush , especially in sherlock lol , his mum wanda ventham actually did a horror film down norfolk somewhere, but not sure where, i seem to ave got quite a following on pintrest with ben pics ,rofl.gif lori ;-)

  4. Hi all , don't you just hate it when this happens , ive only just changed all my passwords because of this bleedheartbthat was going around, i do have to write my pwords down , but ive got one of those little magnetic address books & keep it hidden .lori

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  5. :wave hi bill, i like the look of the merlin & the swallow, & would'nt mind hiring one of them,as the merlin is abit of a blast from the past ,when we hired a similar one from chumley & hawk, but what are they like as a company ? & which boat would you say was the best one, out those two ? lori 

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  6. Hi coowee, thanks for the info , i'll save it on my phone for when we go up there again, i did'nt know that conan doyle got wed up there , i thought he was a london man, i happen to be a sherlock fan, well benedict cuberbatch fan smileyvault-shy.gif lol, lori

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  7. Hi alan , great pics , looks abit like a narrow version of the cromwell lock, which was my pet hate, it's funny but just looking at that pic brought back the memories of the smell them locks used to have lol , hylander yes you can hire them for the day, there is some small ones you can hire too, lori

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  8. Hi alan , great pics, no we did'nt call there but will do next time, we ERM , went abit further than that , we actually ended up at kendal lol, what a horrible place, it took us 3 attempts to find the damn carpark lol. sad.gif Lori

  9. Hi all , yesterday we went to skipton, it's a lovely little place , we saw loads of barges what wd thought were holiday ones , but they were actually dayboats, & we thought the broads was the only place to have an icescream boat, but apparently not, we saw this little tugboat selling ices & teas, quite a cute little tug lol, post-296-0-06818700-1399553858_thumb.jpg lori smilie_girl_023.gif

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  10. We can't at the moment john, we're up to our eyeballs with a rover75 engine , which belongs to neils mate, it's got flywheel & clutch problems, but i get the feeling it's because he drives it too rough , lol. But hopefully we'll catch you both down there sometime. Lori smiley-eatdrink016.gif

  11. smilie_girl_205.gif hi john, i looked on wherry webcam getting my broads fix & did see your boat & could just see your little flag, your boat looks really long from the webcam lol. Hope you have a nice time at the meet. Lorismiley-vault-signs-025.gif
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  12. :wave although it is a pain, ive changed alot of my passwords on sites that i use, but it's not just internet  sites that are affected, according to my lookout antivirus it apps too that can be affected on android devices, so if you sign in to any apps that you've got ,change your passwords on them,  lori 

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  13. smilie_girl_205.gif hi mandy , my heart goes out to you, i lost our cat last year , she was 19, a pixie bobcat & she had a heart murmur & hyperthyroidism & then she kept having seizures , so we thought it was time to put her down, it was the hardest ive ever had to do, dogs or cats when you've had them awhile become part of your family, they're like a miniature human being, & have the same feelings as us too, i'm sure your dog has many more years to live, i'll have my fingers crossed for you on monday. :-) lori
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