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Posts posted by loribear

  1. :wave hi stranger, that does'nt sound good at all, & it sounded very expensive for a short break,i  hope it has'nt put you off boating for good, sometimes you do get a bad one, but they're not all like that, & you do'nt always have to pay alot of money for them either, lori   :Stinky

  2. :bow  :bow  :bow   I bow and scrape........ you assume correctly but who's your translator? Mine is only in my head and though my Dutch vocabulary is reasonable I don't make any claims on my spelling! (and the Dutch do pronounce a 'g' as an 'h', hence my mistake).

    hi john, i just used an app on my fone & sort of got the gist as what you were saying, but when i typed it in, it dic'nt recognise the det, & geer came up as yellow lol,lori smiley-eatdrink009.gif

  3. smilie_girl_205.gif here you go john, just a little something to tickle your tastespuds, for you & mary-jane, & if you find she's suddenly dissapeared just look in the sweet shop lol,


    I'm afraid i'm a chocoholic

    i just can't resist the taste

    it's such a delicious confection

    & should'nt be eaten in haste,

    as soon as you open thd wrapper

    that aroma goes straight to your nose

    which stimulates your braincells

    into forgetting all your woes,

    & there's so many nice flavoured centres

    there must be a thousand or more

    from pralines to soft centres & caramels

    it's whatever your tastebuds Dore,

    for me it's those ones that are crunchy

    like cinder toffe, thats my little treat

    or sometimes it's the dark & creamy ones

    that you really fancy to eat ,

    & it's that lovely smooth texture i love

    when the chocolate melts on your tongue

    it's just sooo delicious & creamy

    how can something so heavenly be wrong,

    eating chocolate is pure delight

    the velvet taste is a chocolaholics dream

    out of all the confectionaries around

    it's chocolate that reigns supreme.

    this will make your mouth water lol, lori smiley-happy088.gif

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  4. smilie_girl_205.gif hi john, you seem to be really getting into this photography thing, great piccies as usual, it's nice to finally see one of mary-jane, she looks very nice ,very summery lol, how on earth did you resist all those lovely cake shops ? i don't think i'd be able to, ive got a very sweet tooth, & i absolutely love chocolate lol, i even wrote a poem about it, how sad is that ?lol.gif i bet it feels strange being on a hire boat does'nt it ? knowing you can't leave your own stuff on board when you leave, looking forward to next weeks blog john, lorismiley-eatdrink016.gif
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  5. smilie_girl_205.gif hi mandy, i'sure you'll be ok, just ask the harbourmaster whats the best time to go through gt yarmouth & they'll tell you , they're very good like that, you may have to wait to get through reedham bridge, but you'll be ok as it's a swing bridge, loddon is a very nice village, & if you go into rosy lees cafe, you'll be sure of a very warm welcome from caroline, she always makes you feel at home, it can get abit narrow in places going down the river so just take it easy, lori 83.gif
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  6. smilie_girl_205.gif hi mandy , i'm from chessy lol, & yes it is a small world, i too am hiring a high boat, ours will be 8ft 6in too, we're hiring distant horizon, but we're not going til sept ,oh by the way them mooring prong things are called rhond anchors lol, we've used them a few times, you just ave to make the ground is solid when you bang them in, lori :-)
  7. :wave hi mandy, we've moored there a few times ourselves, but usually stick to the middle if possible as there was alot of midges next to the trees, we've never ever grounded there, & it is a very peaceful place, as you say, not for teenagers lol, i'm sure you'll all  have a lovely holiday, lori :Stinky   who lives in the next town from you lol,

  8. smilie_girl_205.gif hi john, loved your piccies, it seems hard to believe you've been there 2 weeks already, i strikes me you're enjoying yourself alittle tooo much over there lol, i can see you not wanting to come back home again laugh.gif . How does that boat compare to yours regarding comfort ? & if you had a choice which one would you have , that one or yours ? Lori smiley-eatdrink016.gif
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  9. smilie_girl_205.gif oh my god galleyali ive never seen so many yachts lol, if my hubby had been driving on the river then he'd have gone into panic mode , he hates yachts, even a couple of them lol.gif i think you'd have to be very very patient, if you wanted to get through that lot, which i'm not lol, i think i would ave given up & gone to the pub, great story, lori
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  10. :wave  hi trambo, really great blog, & lovely piccies too, love that piccie of broadlander, it almost looks like a limo lol, but my favourite's got to be the old wooden broads boats, it's nice to see them still around, & nice to see that people take pride in them,  lori  :Stinky

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  11. :wave  hi john it sounds like you are really enjoying your hols, it's a really lovely boat, lovely colour too, would.nt mind one like that over here lol, I love all your piccies, they're brilliant, can't believe the size of that barge coming through that bridge, very tight indeed,   what's the speciality over there john with food ? & what's your favourite ?  lori :Stinky



    hi Maurice, yes I also have heard of people losing their lives, there was one time that I heard about some young cadets losing their lives on there, apparently they were drunk & decided to try to jump the weir, but were drowned, very sad indeed.     :(     lori  

  13. smilie_girl_205.gif hi john i was only about 14 years old, & it terrified me, & my dad was fuming, ive heard him swear so much, apart from when i nearly sunk us, & that Was at cromwell lock too, i think that locks jinxt, what happened was, my dad went up the long ladder to the top just outside the lock, & left me holding the ropes but we'd been waiting awhile for the other boat to come out, & i decided to tie the rope to the ladder rung, but when the water came out of the lock it rose at the other side & my dad saw what i'd done & shouted at me to undo the ropes as we were starting to list & the was coming up to the ropes, so i was frantically trying to undo the ropes, it was very worrying, but i did'nt know ,i was only young,:-(. it was one of my worst pet hates that lock, & quite a few hire companies lost their boats over that weir toosmileyvault-shy.gif lori
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  14. smilie_girl_205.gif hi john just read your story, it sounds great,reading about the large barges reminded me of one time when we had gone on our hols with dad when i was a youngster, & we were going on the trent up to cromwell lock, & Dad had a hangover & got his head down in the front cabin & left me to drive & i came across these two big barges full of gravel going at some speed & the tide was down & i was in the middle of these barges when all of sudden the boat went down & i felt a large thud,because they'd taken all the water away from us we hit the bottom of the river & came to a near stop & it just about threw my dad out of the bunk, we managed to pull in to a bank & my dad wound the prop shaft up, it was something called a zdrive prop shaft, & we found that we'd lost part of a blade off of the prop, & my dad was not a happy bunny, we managed to crawl so far up then got a tow the rest of the way up to the lock, anyway, looking forwards to reading more of your story,lori smiley-eatdrink009.gif
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