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Posts posted by loribear

  1. :wave  thanks jill for putting that first one on, it brings back memories for me, my dad moored at the other side of that railway bridge, & went to the pub, & must have got up someones back as someone undid our ropes , :norty:  I was only young at the time & I remember my dad whistling & waking me up, & asking me to throw the rope to him, & it took 3 attempts ,as the boat was near the bridge , good job it wasn't on main river . lori :Stinky

  2. :wave hi all, is'nt there any way we could get a petition up to push these people into pulling their fingers out  ? it's not going to be very nice if loddon starts losing business,  & it must aweful for the people that live there, & not being able to move their boats because they are sat on silt,surely they can't expect them to just sit looking at their boats for another year, & still pay their river licences, i think i'd be livid , lori  :Stinky

  3. :wave hi alan, yes it is, i think i remember seeing the peregrine thats just died, i saw one on utube , it had just taken some food off of one of the other youngsters, & then fell of the edge of the nest & i saw it go swooping right down rather fast, poor thing, lori 

  4. :wave hi aall , don't know if any of you have been watching the peregrines fledge at norwich,they had 4 to start with, but now there's only 2 left , they lost another one yesterday from brain damage, it looks like it flew into something at high speed poor thing, lets hope the other 2 survive,  :cry  lori 

  5. :wave after seeing those pictures, it is really worrying, it really does look very shallow on one side & it seems to have spread nearly half way across,which does'nt give you much room for manouver on  the mooring side, & we go up there every year to see caroline, but i would be abit worried about going up there with it like that, & getting stuck with a hire boat,  i'm sure the people who live ther can't be too chuffed about having their boats sat on the mud & not being able to use their boat, i have shared the info on fbook. lori  :Stinky

  6. John , forgot to say click on the smiley app before you come on here, then click out & the smiley should be at the top of your fone, & it stays there , then all you've got to do is pull the tab down at the top of your fone & all the smileys will be there. Hope this helps136.gif lori

  7. smilie_girl_205.gif hi john you just put your finger on a smiley, & at the top of the page you'll see a grey area that says copy your smiley, you then click out of the smiley page, & go to your comments & put your finger on that page & it 'll say paste, you'll get a long line of letters, don't touch them just carry on writing & the smiley will come up when you review it, lori ;-)
  8. Whoohoo it worked smiley-happy088.gif , if you get it john & everyone who's got a fone ? Get the unlocker too, it's free of ads, when you download it just click on the unlocker app just once, them you can click on the smiley app which will stay at the top of your fone, then you just click on a smiley & copy smiley-eatdrink009.gifcheers lori x

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