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Posts posted by loribear

  1. :wave hi everyone, this morning we got woken up by all the damn geese, there must have been about 30 or more of them,all going at it at the same time at about 6am, :roll: so we got up & had a leisurely breakfast, it all started out a very nice morning again, & we had a lovely sunrise,post-937-136713942757_thumb.jpg bet all you lot back home are getting fed up with me saying that every morning :lol::lol: then we sat watching the ducks eating something in the grass, not sure what it was but they were going crackers for it & fighting each other over it, :lol:post-937-136713942787_thumb.jpg , is your mouth watering yet ? :lol: & took a few piccies of the castle,post-937-136713943096_thumb.jpg then we went & had a shower & it was only £1.00 Oooh, after that we decided to go & moor out of norwich, & because everyone else had dropped their mudweight in norwich we decided to drop ours, & wished we had'nt , because just as we were going past the harbour masters office we heard him shout, so we slowed right down, only to be told .....yes you've probably guessed it, we'd forgotten to pull the damn mudweight up, :lol::lol: so my sister had to go & pull it up ,with half of the weeds with it, so norwich won't need dredging this year, :lol::lol: ,anyway after that we decided to have a peaceful night, & we are now moored at thorpe commisioners cut, & that's it guy & gals for tonight, lori


  2. :wave hi everybody, have finally got a signal, last nite we had a good time,we went out for a few drinks, first we went to the wherry , & it was very nice inside but the setees were a little too big, & gave me abit of backache, :roll: here is a couple of pics of me & my sister in there,post-937-13671394212_thumb.jpg post-937-136713942154_thumb.jpg,then we went to the lady of the lake but was abit disappointed,all they had done was changed the carpets & reupholstered the chairs, & done abit of paiting, but it was still dead in there, & broadsview was the same, but the waveney was very busy,woke up this morning feeling tired,as it had been a very choppy nite i felt as if i was being rocked to sleep,only it lasted all nite, anyway that was last nite, but today was a different story, we set off from oulton broad, got about 10 minutes out then we heard a clunking sound coming from the back of the boat,& i thought i'd got something wrapped around the propellor, but there was'nt any vibrations coming from the steering wheel, so i reversed it backwards but there was still no difference,so back to oulton we went,the engineer came out & checked it out & took it for a spin,he said that there was some noise but nothing to be worried about, so we set off again & stopped off for lunch at herringfleet,then we carried on & we've moored up at beauchamps arms post-937-136713942176_thumb.jpg just past cantley,& had a drink & a prawn marie sandwich,,anyway nitey nite for now,lori :Stinky
  3. :wave hi everyone, well we got up this morning had a nice shower, which costs £ 1.75 & it was more like power shower, it was that that strong it just about blew me out of the cubicle :lol: then we went into town & had breakfast at ronies cafe ,Mmmm yummy, & for anyone who's not been ,the mooring is about £7.60 stern on , we then set off with the roof back & the wind in our hair as it was a lovely day again, we're now at oulton broad, & it is a bit choppy ,the water not the weather, but it is very busy here again, now here is a few pics for you, first one is the wherry hotel,post-937-136713941752_thumb.jpg & some other yacht station pics too,post-937-13671394178_thumb.jpgpost-937-136713941801_thumb.jpg & here's one of my sister relaxing with her fluffy slippers :lol:post-937-136713942081_thumb.jpg ,Oooh & what have we here, happy jax,post-937-136713942103_thumb.jpg, tonight we're off out to the pubs, & will probably visit the wherry, the end of day 3 :lol: lori
  4. :wave hi everyone, day two, we got up to a misty morning, but it soon brightened up to be a redhot day we were going to go oulton broad, but a friend told us that it was completely full, so we decided to go to beccles instead, but as the day progressed it got hotter & hotter, we could'nt find any shade anywhere, so by the time we got to beccles we were oven ready cooked, :lol::lol: i could'nt believe how busy beccles was, we got the last mooring on the end, this is a pic of beccles to show you all, , OH just a few pics to show you the inside of the boat,post-937-136713941388_thumb.jpg post-937-136713941415_thumb.jpg,anyway, tatty bye for now, lori
  5. :wave hi everyone, are you sitting comfortably ? good,

    once upon a time there was two sisters, lori & sandra, they kept watching the webcam feeling jealous wishing it was them down there,

    then their day came, my hubby took us down in the baby bentley :lol: rover75, we got to the boatyard at loddon, & there she was pacific moonlight, they did all the usual paperwork & stuff, & set off, their first stop was reedham,post-937-136713941064_thumb.jpg, they unpacked their suitcase, then had something to eat, we had pie & chips with curry sauce, from the chippy up the hill, & they were delicious, then they got ready to go out to the pub, they intended to visit both pubs, but only managed to visit one, which was the lord nelson,post-937-136713941064_thumb.jpg they had a really good night, & a great laugh with the landlord & friends,post-937-136713941099_thumb.jpg we enjoyed ourselves that much, that it was 11.30pm by the time we got out, & by the time we got out it was thick with fog, & we could'nt see our hands in front of us, & our torches were'nt much good either, but we managed to find our boat, & fell fast to sleep, it would have been a great night if it was'nt for the burgler alarm going off at 3.30am, :roll: lori :Stinky

  6. :wave hi ken & angela , great story, glad you had a lovely time, you'll find that once you've been once you'll want to come again, as it's very addictive, just one thing to remember when reversing, always remember you can steer a boat forwards but you can only drive a boat backwards, i'm sure you'll soon get the hang of it. lori :Stinky
  7. :wave hi all i'm not sure if it's up & running again as i got an email saying that they'd been hacked 3 times by different people ,i don't really like saying this,but it almost sounds like it could be someone who's got a grievence with the site, maybe someone who's been barred from the site, because being hacked 3 times in such a short time seems abit strange to me, or maybe that's just my way of thinking ,i think i'll keep off for abit, lori :Stinky
  8. :wave hi john, it certainly looks a nice picture,& the even the water looks ok too, have they cleaned it up down there ? the last time we were down there we hired one of astons boats quite a few years ago & we stayed for the night & took off the next morning but the wheel felt juddery so we came back & had to have a diver go down, & when he came back up he had a piece of carpet that was about 3 foot long & that was wrapped around the propellor, & the water was really sludgy & the water was full of debris, so we did'nt go back again,but it seems to look abit cleaner now, is that the case john ?, lori :Stinky
  9. :wave hi simon thanks for information, have taken it on board what you've said & will check the boat out before we leave, & like you said loddon is a lovely place, we've been a few times before as we like visiting caroline, & her lovely cakes are yummy, will let you know how we get on, & if anybody's about that week & you see us, give us a wave, lori cheersice slice
  10. Have a great time and don't miss a visit to the New Inn at Rockland St Mary!

    We don't pick Friday Girl from Horning until the beginning of Sept and we'll be up North while you're down South.

    :wave ok john never mind, maybe we'll catch up with you next year. Lori :Stinky

  11. :wave hi everyone , i just want to ask if anyone who reads the anglia afloat who has a smart phone ;ie iphone or android, has downloaded the the aurasma app, & if so have they had any problems getting it to work, i managed to get it to work once, but then i updated my phone to icecream sandwich, now i can't get it to work at all anymore, lori :Stinky
  12. :wave hi everyone to those who are wondering what's happened to the wroxham hotel webcam, i'm afraid it's been taken off line, i think NL got fed up of all the people coming on & trying to spoil for us, someone kept coming on & flagging people for no reason, & i think NL got fed up of it all & also people moaning because the camera kept failing, so i don't think it will be coming back, but the barnes one IS still running, so fingers crossed that no one will spoil that one. Lori cheersice slice
  13. Hi Lori,

    The boat as you say looks tidy enough, I have passed the yard going into Loddon staithe many times, we have never hired on the Broads other than day boats.

    The main thing with all boat yards is it down to how clean and tidy the boats are when you take them over, is everything there and does it all work. If all the above is true and if the boats call out service is good should you need them, that is all you can ask for.

    Have a good holiday and let us know how it turns out.

    Being as you live near the twisted spire have you visited the canal there? or are you a member of the canal society.



    hi alan, no not visited the canal but been past it a few times & no not a member of the society, i'm not really a fan of canals been there done that & was nearly crippled by all those locks, as i suffer with slipped discs every now & again, we did the cheshire ring quite a few years ago but did'nt enjoy it, too much hard work. Lori :Stinky

  14. :wave hi everyone, ive just booked our hols with pacific from loddon yey, we've booked pacific moonlight,& it looks a nice boat but was just wondering if anyone had had any experience of them, & wondered if they were any good, as we've never been with them before, lori :Stinky
  15. Well I am flummoxed Howard I have just taken the photos out of my removable hard drive and reduced them from their full size down to 1000 X 750 and in the properties > image it shows 1000 X 750 but when I try to upload it tells me they are still full size. Odd and yet more odd. :naughty:

    :wave hi barry i usually change my pics to 1500x1125 pixels, & then go to where you save them, & click on the one that says, save as,then click on jpeg & then upload to forum. then just place in line like this pic. lori :Stinky

  16. Lager! :o get hubby on the Humpty Dumpty or Ghost Ship, Lori. That will tickle his taste buds!!!!

    The Kings Head is not the first pub I would rush into on the Broads.............. ;)


    :wave hi howard, we did go to the wroxham hotel but there was a wedding on & it was chockers, so that's why we went across the road, lori :Stinky

  17. :wave hi everyone , we decided to have a day trip out, norfolk way ,we first went to hunstanton then went to cromer, where we stopped off for a bit of tea & came across this nice little cafe called mary jane, neil & clare had fish & chips & the fish was huge, & i had icecream, naughty i know, but nice,post-937-136713935524_thumb.jpg

    then later we went to wroxham & decided to have a drink at the kingshead before going home, neil had a glass of carling lager, but he said that it tasted weak as if they'd watered it down, has anybody else ever noticed their beer tasting weak from there ? lori :Stinky

  18. :wave hi rod, thankyou for all the information, it sounds very interesting & it sounds like you enjoy your job very much, it makes me feel very humble being just a carer, :bow i did watch a programme once where they were training this guy to pilot a small ship which was in a little marina & the ship was in the shape of a small barge & it was s 2 seater boat with the trainer sat at ghe back telling the guy up front how many times to turn the wheel, & he said you had to turn the wheel 4 times just to turn the rudder about an inch compared to a normal boat, it looked quite hard work too. lori cheersice slice
  19. ive watched that video again & still can't believe the speed that he was doing, i would be curious to see the reaction that he would have got from the river patrol, coming through that fast, it could have been dangerous, say if a boat had been trying to turn around down there, as there's not much of a turning circle at wroxham near the bridge. lori

  20. :wave hi rod how old do you have to be to pilot one of those things, & how long does it take to learn the ropes ? so to speak, ive seen some those ships when they are fully loaded & it always amazes me how the captain can see over them all , i noticed that one that last photo that they had what looked like covers over them what are they for ? lori :Stinky
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